• Could someone put Latin text and Gregorian tune to Alleluia Dulce Carmen hereon? I can't seem to lay my hands on it. Many thanks!

    P.S. - I found the text in The Hymnal 1940 Companion. What is the specific Gregorian tune associated with it?
  • mahrt
    Posts: 517
    Here is the piece as it is given in Bruno Staeblein's Monumenta Monodica Medii Aevi, (vol I, p. 378:

    C CD D D F E D C
    Al-le- lu-ia, dul-ce car-men,

    F G A GF G GA A
    vox per-en-nis gau-di- i,

    al-le-lu-ia laus su- a- vis

    D F F D E D C
    est cho-ris cael-es-ti-bus,

    quod ca-nunt de-i man-en-tes

    F F F C DEF ED C
    in do-mo per sae- cu- la.

    A couple of other melodies are also given for this text. Songs of Sion (1923), p. 46 givess a fifteenth-century chant melody for this text (in English).
  • Many thanks for this. Also, according to some sources, the plainchant tune to Tantum Ergo has been associated with this text in the past. And, I'll check the melody in a friend's Songs of Sion. This hymn is indispensible in Anglican usage on 'good-bye to alleluya' Sunday. Too, we may use a plainsong tune with it at the upcoming winter workshop of St Basil's School of Gregorian Chant.
  • Hugh
    Posts: 199
    Ah, yes, it's that time of year again. I'm having another Farewell to Alleluia party Saturday night - green cocktails, then vespers, then purple cocktails. It was a great success last year - highly recommended. For those interested, attached is First Vespers for Septuagesima. I've set Dulce Carmen to Alleluias of St James ("Let All Mortal Flesh"), but next year I might put the tune offered by Dr Mahrt (many thanks) into Meinrad & use that.

    P.S. We dug up the "Alleluia" a few weeks after Easter last year. There had been some rain. Unfortunately only a partial resurrection can be reported. This year we'll seal the cylinder with wax.
    Thanked by 1MarkS
  • mahrt
    Posts: 517
    A new addition to the liturgy: liturgical cocktails in green and purple. What are your recipes?
    Thanked by 1cesarfranck
  • Hugh
    Posts: 199
    Green - mojitos.

    Purple: last year it was "Purple Passion" (vodka, grape, grapefruit & sugar) version. It lacked something, especially after those mojitos (there were encores for them even after vespers!: heresy, but out they came), so this year we're going for French Martinis (Chambord, Vodka and pineapple). For those with fructose intolerance, the purple cocktail will be Kir Royals (Chambord & Champagne, garnished with raspberry.) We tasted these latter in a trial on the weekend and were a bit disappointed. Maybe a more up-market champagne is the answer. More trials this week I suppose (sigh).

    I suspect the Classic Purple Cocktail is yet to be invented...which is another reason why the Septuagesima "Burying of the Alleluia" urgently needs revival.

    Dr Mahrt, I've attached a Meinraded version of Alleluia D.C. according to your post above. I'd be very grateful if you could check this to see if it's roughly right. (I've added a couple of dots at what seemed likely places.) Cheers.
    Thanked by 1cesarfranck
  • Dr Mahrt and Hugh - Thanks! This is really a fine tune. I have also just received from Fr Columba a version set to the mode IV tune of Urbs Beata Ierusalem. These
    are both very nice. However - Hugh's version of stanza 3 is considerably altered from J M Neale's original translation, which reads:

    Alleluia, we deserve not
    Here to chant for evermore;
    Alleluia, our transgressions
    Make us for a while give o'er;
    For the holy time is coming
    Bidding us our sins deplore.

    The altered version is not an improvement.
  • Donnaswan
    Posts: 585
    The Kir Royales MUST have a large blackberry at the bottom of the glass. Looks so pretty! (Not sure available at this time of year,t ho') I love drinking these in the summer

  • Hugh
    Posts: 199
    Thanks, M JO - I've attached a version with the original JMN verse, which, as you say, is superior.

    Thanks, to Donna, for the advice re blackberry. Now to see if our markets have any.
  • Of at least academic interest may be this, J M Neale's utterly unaltered original taken from a friend's copy of the scarce-as-hen's-teeth Songs of Syon. The tune with which it appears is the same Urbs Beata fourth mode one used at St Meinrad's, which is tagged as being XV. century, from the Karlsruhe Bibliotek MS 368.

    Alleluya, song of sweetness,
    Voice of joy, eternal lay;
    Alleluya is the anthem
    Of the quires in heav'nly day,
    Which the Angels sing, abiding
    In the house of God alway.

    Alleluya, thou resoundest,
    Salem, Mother ever blest;
    Alleluyas without ending
    Fit yon place of gladsome rest:
    Exiles we, by Babel's waters
    Sit in bondage and distrest.

    Alleluya we deserve not
    Here to chaunt for evermore:
    Alleluya our transgressions
    Make us for a while give o'er;
    For the holy time is coming,
    Bidding us our sins deplore.

    Trinity of endless glory,
    Hear thy people as they cry;
    Grant us all to keep thine Easter
    In our home beyond the sky;
    There to thee our Alleluya
    Singing everlastingly.
    - Anon., X. century
    Tr., John Mason Neale
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,794
    Bump... and a happy Septuagesima to you all.


    Today our Altar boys buried the Alleluia after our Saturday Sung Mass.
  • may try this celebration next year, thanks


    Black Magic sangria
    or (since some people always insist that Septuagesima season is really violet) - one of the recipes using creme de violette.