For you organists: How many masses on Sat. and Sunday
  • kevinfkevinf
    Posts: 1,187
    The title says it all. How many do you play on a given Sat. and Sunday?
  • I use to do 2 on Saturdays and 5 on Saundays at a large Dominican church and at my last position with a school, I did 10 during the mornings Mondays-Fridays and 3 on the weekends.
  • eft94530eft94530
    Posts: 1,574
    Sat 5 pm Mass (OF, alternating weeks cantor or school choir)
    Sun 830 am Mass (OF, cantor)
    Sun 10 am rehearsal
    Sun 11 am Mass (OF, choir)

    Holy Days Of Obligation 7 pm (OF, choir)
    First Fridays 8 am (OF, school)
  • Our Parish has 1 on Saturday evening, 4 Sunday morning (all English - 3 time slots, 1 Mass in the Parish Hall), and 1 Sunday afternoon (TLM). I generally play only the PH and TLM, but am available to sub the entire weekend.
  • Ken - 10 during the week? WOW.

    I play one on Saturday evening and two on Sunday morning.
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 12,009
    Four on Sunday morning. One on holy days of obligation.
  • Low Mass with Organ 8:00 Sunday, 10am High Mass or Solemn Mass 12:00 Low Mass with Organ, 5:00 Vespers
    One High Mass on Holy Days of Obligation
  • marajoymarajoy
    Posts: 780
    Saturday, 4:30, Sunday 8 am 10:30 am
  • don roy
    Posts: 306
    when i was in cincinnati i had one on saturday (plus usually one or 2 weddings and or funerals) and sunday was 7:30. 9:00 (childrens choir), 10:30 (adult choir) 12:00 (folk group) then travel 80 miles to lexington for a 2:30 rehearsal for 4:00 high Mass with gregorian propers polyphonic ordinary and motets followed by the 80 miles back to cincy.
    now in florida i have school mass on fridays one mass on saturday, 3 on sunday and the obligatory nap on sunday afternoon.

    life is grand
  • GavinGavin
    Posts: 2,795
    My current Episcopal job has two Sunday services - one with music, one without.

    My former Catholic job, in a rural town, had 2 Masses on Sunday for which I was responsible, and a Saturday Mass which featured the folk singers.
  • SalieriSalieri
    Posts: 3,176
    An Vigil Mass on Saturday, with cantor. and two on Sunday with Choirs and rehearsals 1/2 hour before. There are also extra services in the afternoons on the 6 Sundays in Lent. Also daily Mass in the evening Mon-Fri, and a Mass on Sat Morning, with cantor.

    And I am pleased to report the a goodly amount of the congregation sing at all of the Masses - standard hymns and Gregorian Chant! (Except for the Saturday vigil; It seems that most of the attendees at that Mass are the ones that always attended the earliest clickety-clack Low Mass - without even organ music! - during the 'Good Old Days'. Well, you can't have your cake and eat it too!)
  • francis
    Posts: 10,885
    Sat vigil 530pm
    Sun 10am : 5pm (contempo)
    Thursday : 8am mass and exposition
  • francis
    Posts: 10,885

    where r u located?
  • Calgary, Canada