Wednesday, January 06, 2010, Clergy Conference in Rome: Address of Msgr. Guido Marini, Papal Master
  • miacoyne
    Posts: 1,805
    I hope everyone had a chance to read this. (Sorry I tried to link this, didn't work. Copy and paste please)

    "4. Active participation

    .... Are we truly certain that the promotion of an active participation consists in rendering everything to the greatest extent possible immediately comprehensible?.... Do not, perhaps, also the Latin language, Gregorian chant, and sacred polyphony belong to this manifold language which conducts us to the center of the mystery?

    5. Sacred or liturgical music

    ..One might wonder why the Church by means of its documents, more or less recent, insist in indicating a certain type of music and singing as particularly consonant with the litrugical celebration...Pope Saint Pius X intervened in an anologous way, seeking to remove operatic singing from the litrugy and selecting Gregorian chant and polpyphony from the time of the Catholic reformation as the standard for liturgical music, to be distinguished from religious music in general. The second Vatican Council did naught but reaffirm the same standard, so too the more recent magisterial documents...."