Some of you might be interested to know that, as of today (February 20, 2008), YEAR A has been completed on this site:
They are completely *FREE* (they do not even require a log-in). Anyone who wants to use them is encouraged to do so.
We now have more than 800 scores. Perhaps some of them will be of use to you.
As I say, I have composed Responsorial Psalms for Year A in its entirety, but other guest artists have also contributed!
I would list the guest artists here, but I don't want to accidentally forget anyone's name. Why not go to the site, and check it out?
Also, if you compose Responsorial Psalms in a similar style, why not submit yours to the site?
My prayer is that the Chabanel Psalms will help people pray the Mass with greater fervor. If nothing else, at least they have made holy Saint Chabanel better known.
Jeff Will you start a project for daily psalms some day? I've been adapting some of yours for the daily psalm with some success. Thanks for all the great work.
Michael, I am afraid this would be beyond the scope of the project (unless we receive a huge benefactor), but hopefully the "Seasonal Psalms" can be used. I am honored you have looked at them. I am especially happy with the most recent additions to the site.
What is the translation that you utilize in the Psalms? ...and do you by any chance know the Msgr who posts here? Oh, and who are the guest artists... I did not see any names listed on the URL?
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