Latin Mass is "In"
  • FYI: The Washington Post's annual New Year's "List" of Ins and Outs includes:

    Out: Latin fusion
    In: Latin Mass

    Thus, with due approbation from the Post, I may consider myself trendy this year (and considering I usually don't recognize many of the Outs, let alone the Ins, that's saying something).
  • I think that it is totally based on fact. The extraordinary form Mass at my parish (St. Peter in Volo, IL) has been packed as of late!
  • Richard R, you are not just trendy. You are the trend setter.
  • I'm happy to jump on the bandwagon, as I've seen the fruit of the older liturgy in my own family's spiritual life.
    And it is a happy surprise for me, too, to be in the trendy category of... anything.
  • JamJam
    Posts: 636
    I've never seen a Latin Mass with an empty church. I have seen ones starting out maybe half full, but they always draw more people in as they get going.
  • Jam, well there are certainly many cases where a first TLM attracts a good crowd and then it declines each week to its dedicated crowd. The real test of popularity would be for the Church to say that Mass is no longer an obligation. After about a year to let the folks who still feel that they should drop away, I would say that the OF and EF might not be so different in numbers, sadly. The OF would have more since most folks prefer to understand the Mass directly rather than reading translations, but I think the churches would empty out for the most part. Just look at how many people go to church until their kids are confirmed and then become C&E Catholics.
  • francis
    Posts: 10,707
    The Latin Mass is not a trend... it just fell into a neglected state, but was truly the status quo of permanent practice