Attached pdf is a setting of the EF Moveable Feasts Proclamation I've just completed in St Meinrad for 2010.
Any corrections (esp. of those Latin ordinals) welcome.
It's quite a fiddly task making the date adjustments from year to year. For those with Meinrad Fonts who are sentenced to carry out this chore, I've attached the Word template from which I've worked, using 2010 dates as filler.
You'll see I've used text boxes, grouping and exact vertical alignments of the boxes to separate out the text of the dates which alter from year to year (the left hand column of text boxes) from the invariable part of the text (the right hand side).
So all you have to do each year is write in any new ordinal numbers and/or Months, adjust the chant for these accordingly in Meinrad, then slide the right-hand formulaic endings back or forth, thereby joining the moveable and fixed parts of the line in a nice fit.
Where do you usually place the proclamation in a usual EF missa cantata? My only source is a Pontificale Romanum, and it places the proclamation after the Gospel.
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