Our Position (1904)
  • This little polemic gives an idea of what kinds of controversies were alive in 1904 on the eve of the standardization of chant. This piece will appear in Sacred Music, with an introduction by Fr. Antony Ruff. Should be super interesting!

    Here it is
  • Fascinating. The German chauvinism, however, is somewhat unsettling knowing that in 4 short years, the Great War would start. I can't wait to see Fr Ruff's reading.
  • IanWIanW
    Posts: 766


  • WGS
    Posts: 301
    I appreciated the comment that "practical courses of instruction lasting for a fortnight" should be provided. We do pretty well with our one week (six day) Colloquia. Fortunately, we are in an era in which there is not a lot of international bickering over the tunes. Solesmes and the Vatican editions have overcome most of that problem.
  • Oops. Yes, I put the wrong number there 1914-18, I know. I'm a big fan of context. The Germans saw most things French as inferior after their victory during the Franco-Prussian War, which colors this document. The support of the Solemsnes work is then quite impressive.
