Winter Intensive filling up
  • AOZ
    Posts: 369
    As of today, there are 12 spots left in the Winter Chant Intensive in Charleston, South Carolina. If you are still weighing your options, now is the time. The deadline is December 14, but there may no longer be any spots available at that time. The course is limited to fifty participants.

    We have received a great number of scholarship requests, especially from students and seminarians. With your assistance, we will be able to see that the majority of these requests will be fulfilled, at least with partial scholarships.

    If you are going to register, please consider adding $10, $20, or $50 to your own registration to help get these individuals to Charleston. All donations beyond your own tuition cost of $245 are tax deductible.
  • Mr. Z
    Posts: 159

    Just hope after this 'experimental' outreach to the backwoods, you and Scott T. return the Winter Intensive back to its more 'permanent home,' San Diego!!
  • Mr. Z, were you at San Diego? Did we meet?
  • AOZ
    Posts: 369
    Yes, we remember Mr. Z!!! San Diego was spectacular, and thank you for the vote of confidence!

    But Backwoods? Charleston, SC the backwoods? Alas, sir, you know not that of which you speak. Why Charleston embodies the perfect wedding of progress and Southern charm. The gentility of live oaks weeping with Spanish moss! The majesty of the Magnolia Grandiflora! The simplicity of a slice of coconut cake or a glass of sweet tea and a stroll along historical avenues before returning to your hotel room -- weary and worn from a day under Mr. Turkington's tutelage -- where both wifi and sherry are graciously served up at no additional charge.
  • Mr. Z
    Posts: 159

    I am well aware of Southern allures, they are wonderful. Still, San Diego lays claim to the Winter Intensive as the US preeminent city - made still more illustrious by its newish but soon to be ongoing association with the Chant Intensive.

    Charles, I am quite sure we met. You were that svelte roguishly handsome guy always dressed to the nines, I am thinking.
  • AOZ
    Posts: 369
    Charles, you remember Mr. Z don't you? Tall. mysterious. A little shifty. Sat in the front row.
  • mjballoumjballou
    Posts: 994
    I am SOOOO looking forward to this!
  • Kathy
    Posts: 5,515
    "Tall. mysterious. A little shifty. Sat in the front row."

    This describes several people. It could be Charles, if he had just moved down a few rows from his wonted window seat.
  • Mr. Z
    Posts: 159
    Shifty?? Shifty?? OH -- shifty. Goft to clean my contacts. Rhymes with nifty. Oh- ok, That's not too bad, but. ah .. well, OK, Arlene, that does it, I will be sending you back the airline tickets to "Chucktown," hotel vouchers and advanced per diem monies, and will simply await the return of the Intensive to the "left coast" where "shifties" like moi are taken in stride and barely raise an eyebrow. Charles, as someone astutely asserted, indeed, was the true shifty. Shifty, indeed! If I was really at all "shifty," wouldn't I sit in the back, where my (alleged) shiftiness would go barely noticed?
  • AOZ
    Posts: 369
    Yeah, that's right, shifty. Supposin' you are? Ask Charles. And Kathy. She's been around the block.

    (It's all just Film Noir talk!)
  • ISTM that CMAA has grown enough in numbers that Chant Intensive needs to be spread around liberally. Whether it's better to alternate/rotate host cities, or to duplicate the event, I don't know. Traveling across the entire country, probably by air, at holiday rates, is not easy on typical Catholic musicians' pocketbooks, or even on their parishes if they have that kind of continuing education resources.

    For me, this year, while I was very excited when I first heard about it, it's just too much for me this year. My youngest son will probably be visiting me from his first year at Baylor U. in Texas. We might want to do some short traveling - I don't know yet. And there are only spaces for 50 - and I've already been exposed to chant, from the 2006 Colloquium and from my Catholic parochial school experience starting about 50 years ago. What I would like to do, and I think many local musicians who just can't quite spend that many days, is to attend the Liturgies. Can we have a schedule of such events published? There will be more than just the final High Mass, correct?
  • Here's a routine reminder: Be discriminating but don't nitpick.
  • Perhaps CMAA could make the Chant Intensives regional events — coordinated by the regional leaders — with the Colloquium the national event.

    Besides the savings in travel, such an arrangement might be an opportunity to establish or solidify CMAA chapters in the cities that hold them.

    But at the minimum, we'd have to clone Scott and Arlene (figuratively, of course).
  • AOZ--I get the hint. You should receive postal mail completing my registration soon.
    Next step: research into that fine Low Country cooking...