CMAA choir to Rome
  • Posting here too. This thread will serve as our public discussion forum.

    If anyone has not yet contacting me about their interest, please do so at moconnor09 @ gmail . com

    Let me wish you all a happy and blessed new year that features lots of chant
    and polyphony. I'd like to take a moment and officially kick off the
    organization of a CMAA choir trip to Rome in the late spring of 2011. First,
    let me remind you that I have no official standing in the CMAA but I am
    happy that the more visible folks in the organization are willing to let me
    use the name of the organization for at least this recruiting drive.
    Needless to say I am very excited about going to the holy city to sing the
    chant and some of the polyphonic treasures of our church. Thanks to all of
    you who have sent suggestions and advice. Trust me, I do appreciate and
    welcome it.

    The first order of business is to assemble a working group that will lay the
    groundwork for our expedition. In order to make things proceed as smoothly
    as possible, I will serve as principal "ringleader" for lack of a better
    title. I will take on the responsibility of making the final decisions, but
    only after getting valuable input and sage advice from the group. From the
    email responses I got, it was not always clear who was willing to serve on
    this working group, so please let me know if you would like to help. No one
    will get stuck with more than they can manage, but it will help me a lot to
    have some others on the job.

    So, our first priorities will be the following questions. Please feel free
    to advise and offer any expertise or experience you might have.

    I. When to go? - The time when most people (especially church musicians) are
    free is after school lets out. However, costs rise for travel precipitously
    after Memorial Day. An airfare of $750 can go to $1500 overnight on May 25.
    The other option is just after Christmas. Travel is much less expensive and
    there are several great feast days in early January. Usually church
    musicians take off for a few weeks anyway. The only real drawback is
    unpredictable weather up north and Rome is also quite cold in January. Those
    17th-c churches are not exactly climate controlled! So, let me know your
    thoughts and I'll make an executive decision soon.

    II. Where to go? - Of course we should make sure we sing at St Peter's
    basilica, but I'd really like to see if we can get into some interesting
    spaces (medieval, Renaissance and the ubiquitous 17th century churches).
    Also, do we want to limit to Rome? I went last summer and can tell you that
    I didn't see everything I wanted to, but I do want to go to Assisi if at all
    possible or other towns in the area. This brings us up the issue of using a
    tour agency like Peter's Way. I've heard both good and less than good about
    them, but they certainly seem to have connections. If anyone has connections
    over there that might be better for a group like ours, please let me know.

    III. Who should conduct? There are several good choices, but we would have
    to find a way to raise money for any of them. Being spread out like we are,
    I'm not sure how that would work. It would be a shame not have one of the
    big names leading us, but we're not willing to build their fee and travel
    into our own costs, then we might need to elect one of those who is going.
    Again, let me know your thoughts.

    IV. Recruiting - We need to make sure that this group is a good ensemble. As
    much as I'd like to go with anyone who wants to, we want to present the CMAA
    in the best light. We don't need to be King's Singers, but we need to make
    sure we have at least 3 solid singers on a part (for 4 part polyphony). I'm
    thinking the level should be semi-professional since we will have such
    restricted rehearsal time. So, let's talk to our friends and fellow CMAA
    members and see what we can do.

    V. Repertoire - Here I will take suggestions, but I will want to consult
    with the chosen conductor before setting anything in stone. My hope is to
    sing a Sunday Mass and Vespers over there and have a few more pieces to add
    for a concert somewhere. That should be plenty for about a 10 day trip.

    Well, I'm looking forward to this. I know it will be a lot of work, but it
    sure seems worth it. I'm only a little concerned about my inexperience in
    putting tours together. I hope you can help with this.

    Felix sit annus novus!

    Michael O'Connor
  • I just emailed you, Michael, about my interest in singing.
    Thanks again for your work in this! The organized among us always have my profound respect. :)
  • Michael, this is quite an undertaking! Best wishes! Last year about this time, Gary Penkala took his choir at St. James the Greater Church in Charles Town, WV, on a singing tour of Italy. I am sure he would have useful information for you as to places, tour company, etc. You can reach him at his publishing address, or at the church,
  • Elizabeth, thank you. Things are going well so far, but I think the biggest challenge will be that we won't be able to have bake sales to help fund this. The group is forming from all over the country and looks like full price for everyone. Should be fun and very spiritually beneficial, though.

  • Donnaswan
    Posts: 585
    Michael, Peter's Way always offers one free or two half/price for every so many people signed up- cant remember if it's 10 or 20- prolly 20. So there is some room there for 'hardships' if necessary- I wouldn't think it would matter where we were in the country? The other way to raise some extra $$ easily is to invite non-singers to join us and charge them more. We did that, raised an enormous amt of $$$ along with a couiple of Rummage Sales.

  • Donna, I am finding from my sources that Peter's Way no longer has a lock on the business there and is somewhat out of favor with the person who permits choirs to sing at St Peter's. We are going to need 20 just to pass muster for the chapter Mass at St Peter's it seems, so we will do some shopping around. I wouldn't dismiss them, but I'm getting some other information soon. Thanks for that info though.
  • You know, publicizing this outside of the group might attract chant groupies who would be interested in the trip.
  • Well, my first thought was to keep this "in the family" since we have so many talented people who essentially share the same basic philosophies. Going outside might attract the "wrong element" if you know what I mean. In the end, we'll see if it's necessary, but thanks for the suggestion. I have already pitched this to a couple of excellent singers, who would fit with our people.
  • Charge a higher fee to the groupies to assist those who might like to attend but are under vows of poverty...I was thinking of people who love chant and do not sing who might want to be part of an historic event like this.

    I am proposing this trip to a schola of 8 young singers, all of whom would be a great addition.

    And, Michael, if I may, I propose that your excellent idea be renamed and be the CMAA Pilgrimage To Rome.
  • Donnaswan
    Posts: 585
    I just mentioned PW cuz that's who I'm familiar with. There's another co just called Catholic Tours, I think- but I'm prolly telling you stuff you already know. LOL

  • Fr Pierre Paul has suggested two companies that we are investigating right now. Neither is PW, which he seems to not like. Will report when my correspondents come back with info.

    Frogman, yes of course, let's take as many as would like to come. This could be good evangelizing for our cause too. I like the name, but would have to think about whether it might be misleading. I don't know if I have to time and talent to organize "pilgrimage" activities too.
  • Good News! Wilko Brouwers has agreed to conduct the CMAA choir trip to Rome. We are working out a means of having all our volunteers send him a vocal sample. He is very excited about this and so am I. We are hoping for 28 voices, total, so please talk to your friends and let's see if we can really make this special.
  • That is awesome and very exciting news!
  • O Greek Philosopher, are you coming with us?
  • Assuming you're referring to me…I'm not sure. There's a lot of work I would need to get accomplished here before committing to such a trip.

    But know that I would love to. :)
  • Yeah, Wilko!
    How very wonderful. I have gained much singing under his direction.
  • Greetings,

    Things are moving along quite well now. Wilko is very thrilled to be putting together the artistic end of things.

    Let me remind everyone that EVERYONE in the CMAA (and friends) is invited to come along. You don't need to sing in the choir to be part of the excursion. The more we get, the cheaper it will be.

    We still have need for singers. We'd like to reach the 28 mark by the time we have to commit to an agency, if we use one. Again, the level of ability will need to be pretty good since rehearsal time will be minimal. Don't count yourself out if you are a good singer, but are just modest ;-) You can send us a short recording and Wilko will very charitably assess whether you might struggle with the material. This will not be an "uber-professional" group, but a group of good singers who will represent the CMAA very well. I'm thinking that the group that was selected for the colloquium "select" group back in DC is a good comparison. Wilko and I are discussing the balance between representation of the organization and the need for quality for singing at St Peter's. Things have changed in the last couple of years, where not every group that wanders into the city sings there. This is a good thing!

    So, think about what a possibly once-in-a-lifetime opportunity this is and contact me about your interest if you have not done so already. This is also an opportunity to promote the CMAA by talking to your singer friends and suggesting that they also think about this.

  • miacoyne
    Posts: 1,805
    Have you decided when you will be going? I have a college student (Sop.), who has been singing with my schola (periodically), and cantoring , and has experiences in singing in 'selected' groups in high school and college. I believe she studied latin one sememster in college.(she also had private piano and voice lessons for a few year. She has a beautiful voice.) But since she is in college, it might be an important factor for her to know 'when' this happens.
  • Mike,
    Could you email me off forum?
    cculbreth (at) tccov (dot) org
  • Michael, do we send recordings to your email address?
    Also, what type of recordings? All the recordings on my classical singer site are arias and such and not the type of music we'll be singing. I can record a gradual and a sop line from polyphony on garage band if you prefer.
    If its easier to go directly to my site w/out an email, here's my site again-
    maryann at maryanncarr dot com

    Please thank Wilko for me- its fabulous to have him in on this!
  • Hi all,

    We've not completely decided to ask for recordings just yet. If so, it would be a couple of short fragments chosen by Wilko. I'll let you know.

    Mia, looks like May 2011.
  • miacoyne
    Posts: 1,805
    MAY is a great month!
    Thanks Michael for doing all this work. This is going to be such a wonderful event. I'll pray for "CMAA choir to Rome" (it dosen't really matter I get to go. It's very exciting.) Let the beauty of sacred music glorify God and melt heart of everyone who hears it. I'm sure our Holy Father will be very pleased too.
    GO CMAA Choir!!!
  • I would love to go, I'm a Bass (low D to E above middle C). May sounds wonderful. I went for a week in March in 2007, that was nice too.
  • Ryan, email me this at moconnor09 AT gmail DOT net. You got lucky in March!

  • More names coming in every day. The Lord is blessing this pilgrimage! Folks, if we get enough we'll send out choirs all over Rome!
  • Hi all,

    Wilko has been busy, but we here in the central office have been doing some background work on the tour companies, so things are moving forward. Wilko contacted me today and would like all those interested to send him (well, me and I will pass along) a short recording just in ensure that all the voices will be appropriate to represent the CMAA well. This is to avoid a difficult situation where someone shows up and just doesn't have the voice to blend or tune with the others, putting us in the situation of asking them not to sing. We'll have precious little rehearsal time in Rome. That said, he understands the nature of the trip and tells me that he thought all the voices in his group at colloquium were fine.

    Here are the clips he would like:

    * Chant: offertory "Beata es Virgo", starting on g
    * The Hosanna from the Benedictus from the Missa de Beata Virigine by Cristóbal de Morales, which can be found on CPDL (take the part you wish to sing)

    Please send as mp3 to moconnor09 AT gmail DOT com (replace AT with @ and DOT with . )

    If you are not comfortable with recording into your computer (Win Vista has a Recorder program and I imagine Apple does too) then please contact me. You could also send me a CD via regular mail. Just contact me if you need to do this.

    Everyone likes deadlines, so let's make this due by 4 July 2010, just like my first child who will be coming around then! Easy to remember.

  • Erik P
    Posts: 152
  • Mike: You have my confirmation and info for this event. I'm more than thrilled to participate. Just wanted to lent more visual/electronic support.
    Also, I'm not sure what I will be earning by May 2011. Is there a way to start locking down what the price will be for this pilgrimage? It would help tremendously.
    thanks man,
  • I would be interested in attending, and also in coordinating any way that I can. I speak fluent Italian (maiden name is Massimo) which may come in handy. I have over 10 years experience coordinating travel logistics for executives. Send me an email

  • Gus, I should be locking this down in the next month or so. The problem is that prices do change with numbers, so even when I do get a quote it may change if folks back out as time approaches.

    amanda, please email me at moconnor09 AT gmail DOT net. Thanks for the offer!
  • Sent! You're welcome and looking forward to working with you.

  • Sorry. Send again to gmail dot COM. My bad.
  • Just a reminder here to get those recordings done for Wilko. He is taking the Vatican's request that all visiting choirs be of sufficient quality to handle what is required of them. The recordings are his only means of being sure we bring folks who can handle the music and blend with each other. That said, please don't think you have to be a professional singer to do this trip. He is looking for good pitch and a pretty good singing tone. Heavy vibrato will be an issue, so if you cannot sing without it, this might not be the trip for you. So, go ahead and make those recordings. We are hoping to bring 30 with us.

    BTW if you would like to go, but feel that your voice might not be at the level Wilko is looking for, we encourage you to join us anyway. Singing in the choir is not a requirement for coming on this pilgrimage. You will hear a fine group of American CMAA singers providing the music for Mass and Vespers in some of the most beautiful churches in Rome and (maybe) Assisi.

    Michael O'Connor
    CMAA Pilgrimage to Rome Coordinator
    moconnor09 @ gmail . com
  • Kathy
    Posts: 5,519
    Quick question. Forgive me, it's probably been answered above. What's the likely price range?
  • The best quote I have so far is $1300 before airfare. The agency claims that monastic accommodation costs as much as 4-star hotels. They do provide transportation, which is a plus, and set up quite a bit on site. Attached is a proposed itinerary from an agency suggested by Fr Pierre Paul (one of 2 agencies, actually). The cost seems very good and the benefits are outstanding. We just need to be able to provide them numbers soon. I would be willing to hear your comments on this. We'll need to move on it pretty soon, I think.

    Note: I tried to attach this but I keep getting this message:

    Some problems were encountered
    The file you attempted to upload (R2809 ITINERARY-TOURFARE-REMARKS - 110210.pdf) was of type "application/download", but the file extension "pdf" did not match the accepted extensions for this type of file: rar, RAR
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,237
    If you have a PDF file and can put it on a personal web site somewhere, that's the thing to do; then post a link to that.
  • Kathy
    Posts: 5,519
    Thanks, Michael.
  • There are many pensiones run by nuns in Rome that run only about $40 per night... Very nice accommodations, really.
  • David DeavyDavid Deavy
    Posts: 105

    Is that rate for single or double occupancy. Who is the tour guide? I can't find the provider based on the info above. We will be able to get more info at the colloquium XX?

    Has there been any consideration to allowing less experienced singers to work just the ordinaries?


  • Here is the file, I hope...
  • OK. I just needed to use MS IE... Please read and send me your thoughts.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,237
    Could the choir consider singing something brief at the Wednesday general audience? Groups often do when their country is greeted by the Holy Father.
  • Thanks, I'll try to find out if that can happen.
  • Erik P
    Posts: 152
  • We'll have to work that out, but the transportation issue will partially decide that.
  • Donnaswan
    Posts: 585
    You will be crazy, I can guarantee unless the majority stay at the same hotel.
    And you really need to be prepared to sing something ,even more than one thing at the Weds general audience. It turns into a sort of back and forth bet visiting choirs. Almost a conversation. And it is great fun!!!!

  • Right now I am trying to decide if we should go with the monastic accommodations. I think most of us would like the idea, but if enough don't want to be in that situation, we'll go secular. Donna is right. We should be at the same place or in adjacent lodgings if at all possible. Too big of a chance of someone missing a bus.
  • Just a note to remind folks that, if you did not get an email from me today, I don't have your email address! Please send to moconnor09 at gmail dot com
  • Donnaswan
    Posts: 585
    I am at the age where I hate sharing a bathroom, but really hotel or Monastic makes not much difference b/c you'uns are hardly in the room except to sleep

  • Traffic has been very bad in Rome. Especially in the morning. Maybe you would like to consider this also.
    More you are going to be together, the easier it will be for you to be ontime for your Masses, Vespers, rehersals and visits.