For your consideration: literacy, Rendler and Trautman
  • Too much meandering to post herein. If interested go to:

    Have a nice day. (Deep theological ramifications there!)
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,986
    Hmm, deep thoughts and theology from CA. I like it!
  • This is a MUST READ!
  • francis
    Posts: 10,850
    I just adore those new English translations.
  • Thanks guys and gal (MJB)!
    Blessings on this Lord's Day.
  • How can you like the new translations?! There are so many sentence fragments!!! BTW you should not read English poetry either since it also has fragments... We must be protected from art!!
  • Godfrey or Garfunkle? ;-) Hey, Mike.
  • That's just insufferable and boring. I think Rendler means well but part of her feels trapped in a paradigm with an audience to please and expectations to meet. I'm not sure she entirely believes in her adopted role anymore. Sometimes it seems like she want to drop the whole thing, but she has no real musical or intellectual or experiential apparatus to fall back on as an alternative. Making a mess of things is the only tradition she knows and it is the only path she has ever walked. She knows not the romance and excitement of a genuine or intelligent tradition. If someone came along within her world to make it possible, and there were no real high costs, I think she would be glad to move on and move out of the OCP world and into something truly meaningful and serious.
  • GavinGavin
    Posts: 2,799
    I had to look up the passage from Message to make sure it was quoted properly. Then I found the Angelic Salutation:

    Good morning!
    You're beautiful with God's beauty,
    Beautiful inside and out!
    God be with you.
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,986
    May the Force be with you.

    Kind of sounds a bit like that to me.
  • GavinGavin
    Posts: 2,799
    Another thought: couldn't she have quoted from something more noble, easily understandable to my generation, and relevant? Like the LOLCat Bible?
  • Jeffrey.
    (Whimper, tear, blow nose, whimper)
    My post was "just insufferable and boring."? But I live to court laughter....(would the archbishop understand that "court" is a verb?) I need to find my cups.
    Unless you meant poor Elaine's exhortation. (He lives in hope, another day!)
  • francis
    Posts: 10,850
    I think we could write a broadway musical using some of this material and title it Novus Ordo Spectaculum and it would exceed Phantom of the Opera.
  • charles! your post was NOT boring. Rendler is. Your post was great.
  • Gotcha, JT.
    Francis, would it better titled "Novus Ordo Speculum?"
    Mike, (cross post) I get to sing tenor in Rome, si?
  • Charles, only if you ARE a tenor. No reimagining of the self for this trip!

  • Among other aspects, I'm the least, a tenor (second, first if sight-reading and head voice are okay.)
    We're I too reimage, I'd be, ummmm, Joshua Jackson, Russell Crowe, Christian Bale or Beyonce Knowles, but STILL tenore.
    I'm just concerned about first class accomodations to Rome, unless we fly Virgin. (Don't go there.)
  • First class for a group of singers? CA is truly a strange land, indeed.
  • Uh, like Florida ain't.
    It is possible I could drop a Cnote of weight by Jan 11, but If you require me to purchase two seats for moi on yer charter, I'm your vassal.
  • Like they say, "that's between you and your travel agent." Hope it works out that you can come my friend. I happen to know a great little restaurant near the Vatican. Shouldn't take us but a few minutes to find it... ;-)
  • francis
    Posts: 10,850
    Yeow Charles. That terrible tool is truly how the new Mass was "extracted" by the council from an ecumenical body, eh? No, I take that back. Speculum is for looking into an oriface. I am thinking forceps. Medical stuff makes me woozie.