My ardent hope is that others will donate their Mp3 recordings to the site. If that happens, it will ASSURE that the site is a success. Even donating just ONE recording of a chant helps us a LOT!
Both are helpful: let me tell you why. We've heard from a lot of people. Some like ensembles. Some like SOLO voice with reverb. Some like SOLO VOICE without reverb.
What I am hearing from folks is that they DON'T know how to pronounce Latin, and they DON'T know how to read chant. I guess that's why some prefer the solo voice. But, again, we need ALL options.
I would be so THRILLED to have the recorded voice of Mary Ann Carr on those sites!!!
The great thing is, if people don't like this or that recording....I tell them: "OK, then you do better!"
Here's a routine reminder: Avoid flames: critique principles, not people. Be discriminating but don't nitpick. Be academic not acerbic. Be principled not polemical.
I agree, JO. I've been doing chant practice recordings for everything our schola sings, and it really does help some people to feel comfortable with being prepared for our practices. Some are reluctant to admit they don't read music very well, need more help with pronunciation, or just need more time than one hour a week. I give each person a practice CD for every Mass we sing.
I do my practice recordings with just my own voice and an organ, but I've had occasions to experiment with other things. The organ backup can be nice for those who want a clearer sense of the pitch.
People also sometimes want to hear what it sounds like as a group, but our church's acoustics are so messed up that I'm not happy with any of the recordings I've made during Mass. But it's what we have.
All of the recordings are scattered around our schola's website, Let me know if you have questions or comments.
Well, I will ask my tech-savvy husband Bill to get some chants to you soon. I use a light reverb, clean enough to hear in great detail. Perhaps that would satisfy people who like lots and none.
The more good recordings people have access to the better, I suppose.
May God reward you for all you are doing in this area!!!
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