Propers for Dec. 10, 2009
  • Hello,

    Since I currently do not own a copy of the Graduale Romanum, I was wondering if someone would mind posting (or emailing me) the Propers for the Thursday after the Second Sunday of Advent (Dec. 10, 2009...year C in the OF I believe).

    Thank you for the help! God bless,
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,234
    Welcome, Nicolas!

    You can download the "Gregorian Missal" PDF from the home page of and find the propers in it. The GM contains all the Sunday and holy day propers from the Graduale Romanum for the OF.
  • Thanks Chonak!

    So if there isn't a Feast/Memorial/Optional Memorial, etc, will the Propers from the Sunday be the same throughout the week?
  • dvalerio
    Posts: 341
    > So if there isn't a Feast/Memorial/Optional Memorial, etc, will the Propers from the Sunday be the same throughout the week?

    Not necessarily. Usually yes, but ferial days often have one or two changes from the previous Sunday. (Ferias during Lent have proper Masses since the Middle Ages.)

    > Dec. 10, 2009

    I am unaware of any Feast falling in that day. And in that day, according to the GT, all the propers from the previous Sunday apply. There are changes on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday that week, but... not on Thursday!!! So yes, just follow the 2nd Sunday in Advent Mass from the Gregorian Missal.
  • Thanks for the help everyone!
  • Since the propers for the 2nd Sunday of Advent are the same in the OF and EF, you can also get them via this link.
  • Could some future saint on this list create a simple directory with links for all the readings of the OF and EF for every day of the year....and three eyar cycle where it appears?
  • dvalerio
    Posts: 341
    > a simple directory with links for all the readings of the OF and EF for every day of the year

    The readings, or the chants from the Proper of the Mass?
  • Mark M.Mark M.
    Posts: 632
    Arthur… fantastic site you linked there (a month-and-a-half ago!). And Jeffrey, kudos again for your site, too!