PBEH Request: Funeral Proper Texts
  • To all of the hymnologists in this forum:

    Do you know of any existing metricized (English) hymn texts for the proper chants of the Requiem Mass? One that I have commonly requested for funerals is "May flights of angels" out of Adoremus. I think that it would be great to have hymn settings of these proper texts for those who many not be able to effectively utilize chant at a funeral mass.

    If such settings do not exist, hymnologists, I commission you: Compose beautiful hymn settings of these proper texts and release them to the creative commons! It may do a great service to the Church.
  • it's an interesting point
  • Kathy
    Posts: 5,503
    okey doke
  • Adam

    I couple months ago I wrote some 4-part hymns (more like SATB a capella, but I have done them with a solo voice and organ before) with the Requiem mass texts for the Introit, Offertory, and Communion. The Introit is in Latin then English, and the others are in English. Each proper is followed by a psalm verse, and then the antiphon is repeated. Its kind of a work in progress, but they work for me by incorporating the propers into the funeral mass. Scott
  • Scott--Please do share! I would love to take a look at what you're working on.
  • I'll go ahead and send you an email.