Weekday Entrance and Communion Antiphons
  • daniel
    Posts: 75
    I try to find hymns which reflect the day's Entrance and Communion Antiphons, but sometimes that's difficult. If I wanted to chant those antiphons in English to a simple Psalm tone, where can I find verses to go with them? I'm thinking of doing this on occasion for school Masses, and we use the Let Us Celebrate missalette (WLP). Only the Antiphons are given, not the verses, and the verses are not in the Sacramentary either, as you probably know. Thanks.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,248
    If the English antiphons in the Missal (for spoken Masses) agree with the Latin antiphons for singing in the Graduale Romanum, which is often but not always the case, then you may as well use the psalm verses specified there.
  • daniel
    Posts: 75
    Are weekday Masses in the Graduale Romanum too? How does one find them? I found the specific feasts for August, for example, but what about a weekday with no obligatory Saint? Thanks.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,248
    The default rule for weekdays is to repeat the propers from the preceding Sunday.
  • And any departures from the preceding Sunday are also indicated in the Graduale Romanum. (Typically there are one or two weekdays per week in which one or two of the propers differ from those of the previous Sunday.) But a rubric allows replacing any proper with another proper from the same Liturgical Time: so repeating the propers from last Sunday is always perfectly acceptable.
  • Earl_GreyEarl_Grey
    Posts: 905
    What about Memorials? If no proper antiphon is given, should one go to the preceding Sunday as with a ferial day or go to the commons? Should the commons only be used when a memorial is elevated to a Feast/Solemnity locally?

    Now that I will be planning daily Masses for a seminary, I want to show what can be done in a parish practically speaking. So while the propers from the Graduale would not be as user friendly, I am not bound to playing hymns every day either. I know there's various resources out there, but time is of the essence. Any suggestions for simple English antiphons for daily Mass would be most welcome. Hymn-introits would also be welcome. Are there any web-based resources similar to CanticaNOVA for weekday Masses?
  • @Earl_Grey, I just sent you a private message regarding this.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,248
    There's a list of English propers on the main CMAA site.
  • SkirpRSkirpR
    Posts: 854
    What about Memorials? If no proper antiphon is given, should one go to the preceding Sunday as with a ferial day or go to the commons? Should the commons only be used when a memorial is elevated to a Feast/Solemnity locally?

    If using the Graduale, all Memorials have assigned Propers, but use of the Commons are also permitted.

    If using the antiphons from the Missal, if the Memorial does not have proper Entrance or Communion Antiphons, I assume you may draw from the Commons or the Weekday. That is based on what the GIRM says about the orations. (Using proper antiphons for the Memorial of the Mass - cf. how the Graduale handles it - does not in effect elevate the memorial to a feast, as it does when proper antiphons are used for memorials in the Liturgy of the Hours.)
  • Contact Fr. Columba Kelly or Fr. Jeremy King @Saintmeinrad.edu. Propers are sung there daily, in English There is a vast resource-far beyond what appears online. These antiphons are outstanding. Inspired by English rhetoric and phonetics, they very simple, and employ the emotional dynamic of the modes very well.