book: 'Office Hymns of the Church'
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,248
    Since the subject of translated office hymns arose in the thread about the PBEH, I dug out this book containing about 89 of them. Does anyone have any idea whether it would be useful to others? It was produced in 1950, so it'll be necessary to do a copyright search before I could post a full PDF on the net.

    Office hymns of the church : together with the official and some additional sequences in their plainsong settings with Latin and English texts

    By: Fitts, Dudley, 1903-1968-
    Pfatteicher, Carl Friedrich, 1882-
    Catholic Church. Breviary. Hymns. English & Latin.
    Subjects: Catholic Church Hymns.
    Hymns, English.
    Hymns, Latin.
    Published: Boston : McLaughlin & Reilly, c1951.
    Description: xvii, 106 [i.e. 190] p. of music ; 24 cm.
    Notes: Modern notation.
    Opposite pages in part numbered in duplicate (1, 1a, etc.)
    Publisher No.: 1541
    M.&R. Co. 1541

    It contains translations by Neale, Chambers, Caswall, Ellerton, Woodford, Oxenham, Charles, Blacker, Irons, Schaff, Moultrie, Chadwick, Palmer, and a few by the editors Fitts and Pfatteicher.

    Some of the English versions are quite singable, some not so much, as the editors point out.

    Rather than scanning the whole thing (I can't do a really attractive job of it anyway), I've done the first 25 pages, including the table of contents: a PDF is available online.
  • need to find Pfatteicher's heir or consider it an orphan work.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,248
    If it helps any: Pfatteicher received a Th.D. from Harvard Divinity School in 1922, and taught at Andover (Phillips Academy).
  • Postings on this forum represent the views of the individual participants and not necessarily those of the Church Music Association of America. (Some participants are not even members.)
  • priorstf
    Posts: 460
    Considering that the copyright is held as of 1951 by McLaughlin and Reilly it seems that yor starting point might well be:
    Music Publishers Association
  • Well, you can't always trust publishers in this regard. the law is all that matters. And the law says it is caged in copyright. there is no mystery here. Click on the link in my post above.