Missa pro sponsis
  • My fiance and I are looking into using propers for our wedding. I am hoping to find recordings of these chants both in Latin and English for the 1972 Missa Pro Sponsis. Any help would be great. We have already found the texts for the propers here: http://www.cantemusdomino.net/2004/06/01/wedding-propers-from-the-graduale-romanum/ so now we are just looking for recordings.

    Thanks for any and all help!
  • One of the most splendid wedding recordings is:

    Ars Gregoriana - Appendix B - Missa Pro Sponsis / Motette CD 50611

    The chants on this recording are:

    Introitus Deus Israel
    Graduale Uxor Tua
    Alleluia Mittat vobis

    From the St. Benedict's Monastery in São Paulo (Brazil) I have mp3 files of:

    Offertorium In Te Speravi
    Offertorium Immittet Angelus
    Introitus Deus in Loco Sancto Suo

    I made aif recordings of the wedding chants of the Graduale Simplex:

    Ecce sic benedicetur homo.aif
    Qui expectant Dominum.aif
    Exaudiat te Dominus psalmus alleluiaticus.aif
    Alleluia Missa pro sponsis.aif
    Beatus vir qui timet Dominum.aif
    Nuptiae factae sunt.aif

    I made aif recordings of the wedding chants in By Flowing Waters:

    BFW 474.aif
    BFW 472 and 473.aif
    BFW 475.aif
    BFW 476.aif
    BFW 477 with 478.aif
    BFW 479 with 480.aif

    Can I send some of these to you?

  • Paul that would be incredibly helpful. You can email me at mjpalmquist@gmail.com
  • Thanks again Paul

    God Bless
  • x95878
    Posts: 1
    I am looking for the exact same thing as mitch_wa. Would you mind terribly passing the files on to me? My email is j.b.77@hotmail. Thank you very very much!

    Jim B
  • Paul F. Ford
    Posts: 868
    Jim B,

    How large a file can you receive?

  • Hello Dr. Ford,
    I am supposed to sing the chants at a Wedding on August 7th...
    These recordings would be very helpful! If you could send them to me at andrew.coyne1@gmail.com I would be very thankful!

  • Paul F. Ford
    Posts: 868

    I successfully emailed those files to you but those I sent Andrew came back with the notice:

    Delivery to the following recipients failed.


    Andrew, what did I do wrong?
  • hmmm.... I don't know. Perhaps it was too large a file?

    Is there any way you could send just the first two sets of Latin recordings?

    Thanks so much!
  • @Paul F. Ford

    Could you send me audio files with these gregorian chants:
    Introitus "Deus Israel",
    Graduale "Uxor Tua",
    Alleluia "Mittat vobis",
    Offertorium "In Te Speravi",
    and Communio "Ecce, sic benedicétur"?

    (Visit my profile for the e-mail adress.)

    Thanks a lot!
  • They're on their way to you.
  • God Bless you!
    (Bóg zapłać!)
  • Melisa
    Posts: 1
    Sorry, my English is not fluid.
    I need recordings of Gregorian chants proper to the missa pro Sponso et sponsa.
    Could you send them to this address: meliyapur@hotmail.com?
    Thank you!
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,240
    Practice videos for the introit and communion are at