My question is: priests and search committees, since it's clear you're not looking for good experience and training, what are you looking for? If experience and training doesn't matter, what are you looking for in job candidates who make it past the initial email?
By and large, priests and committees don't know what they are looking for. End of sentence.......
The musical techniques presented [at CMAA] are useful, but I think the personal contacts are even more important - especially for those who are seeking employment at various levels of musical-liturgical-educational institutions.
The times are changing and younger clerics are more clear and want better music. Salaries are significantly better (I know a fine job right now paying 90k).
80% of this work is working with the cleric and knowing him and how he works.
There is hope that the recently ordained [priests] and men in seminary will lead a liturgical restoration in parishes, but that's still far off. In the meantime, many parishes are liturgical zombieland.
You're going to get a lot of no's, especially with a DMA (same problem here). You're overqualified and cost too much for the smaller fish jobs and not experienced enough for the big fish jobs. There is an element of working your way up the ladder ("minimum X years experience in a catholic church"), at least in my experience.
I mean, nobody's giving management classes in seminary (not saying whether they should,) and nobody with music training is going to have a voice on a committee (it's a committee.)
Don’t give up.
And if it wasn’t on your radar, check this out: [link to the Fr. Gregerson job]
Keep our options open, too. Odds are, you’ll be somewhere interim for a while as you get your sea legs and gain some true full-time ministry experience.
Absolutely come to the colloquium.
Something that I found made an immense amount of difference in getting my application considered for jobs was simply including recordings of myself playing, of liturgies that I had directed or played, on an easy to use document with hyperlinks to them.
My question is: priests and search committees, since it's clear you're not looking for good experience and training, what are you looking for? If experience and training doesn't matter, what are you looking for in job candidates who make it past the initial email?
Something that I found made an immense amount of difference in getting my application considered for jobs was simply including recordings of myself playing, of liturgies that I had directed or played, on an easy to use document with hyperlinks to them.
even QR codes so people could quickly scan a printed copy
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