Officiant's parts for Tenebrae
  • I am trying to figure out what parts the Officiant must sing at Tenebrae (EF). I can't seem to find the info online. I assume he intones the Benedictus antiphon, since Lauds has the same structure as Vespers (and he does for Vespers), but beyond that I don't know.
  • MatthewRoth
    Posts: 2,539
    No. The antiphons and even the hymn at the regular office are intoned by cantors at a non-solemn office unless there is a contrary custom (particularly for the hymn or if you have clerics to do them 1-2-3 etc. at the usual office). But at Tenebrae the cantors, in my experience and per Stercky, do it all (Matins is never solemn as it is but you still otherwise descend from the senior cleric to the ninth senior one, or back to one and down again, except at Tenebrae).

    The celebrant only has to do the collect recto tono with the silent conclusion, as the third nocturn’s readings are all Scriptural and don’t have a Gospel, and since there are no blessings.

    (As an aside in theory only the first cantor intones versicles and even the psalms or canticle but this is also the easier thing to intone together compared to antiphons.)