Would second Garau's work, his Parce Domine is especially nice and pairs well with the original antiphon in alternatem.
Also Dalitz on CPDL has a well worn Mass Ordinary, several nice Magnificats. Also recommend the Tollite Portas.
Also forum composer SDTalley has several nice pieces, check out his Magnificat as well.
Miserere Nostri Domine - Ravenscroft Ave Verum - Des Pres The query becomes a lot bigger if you want english pieces or accompanied anthems. Check out Perosi Ecce Panis Angelorum and Perfice Gressos Meos Small choirs UK St James Music Press
Thank you so much! I was afraid I was asking a repeat question.... Looking forward to checking out all these suggestions and other threads. What a wealth of knowledge y'all have!
This doesn't help you in the immediate term, but the CMAA has a forthcoming volume in the Parish Book of Motets series for SAB! We hope to have it ready for print by the end of October.
A lot the pieces that Mr. Powell mentioned are actually for 3-equal. Those will generally work for SAB if the bottom voice doesn't cross the others, though the bottom part can lie uncomfortably low for some of your men. If you have enough men, it's probably better to do these SSATTB, as a kind of 8'4' scoring.
I just edited an O Salutaris by Valerio Bona with is nicely SABar. I'm working on the Mass from the same publication, for those who'd like a not-too-challenging (not, cough, Byrd) 3 part Mass, That will get done...when I get it done mkay?
Continuo motets for SST can also work, since the parts tend not to go too high.
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