"Omnes qui in Christo" corrected chant question
  • MarkB
    Posts: 1,098
    The Communio for the Baptism of the Lord has a change in the corrected editions (both in the Graduale Novum and in the Liber Gradualis) that puzzles me.

    Here is the chant in the Graduale Triplex. At the end of the word "baptizati", the chant ends on "do"; the chant continues on the word "estis" on the same pitch: "do".


    In both of the corrected editions, the first pitch on the word "estis" has been raised to "re". This is from the Graduale Novum, but the Liber Gradualis has made the same change.


    There appears to be conflicting melodic instructions in the St. Gall neumes, with both a "r", indicating higher pitch, and an "e", indicating an equal pitch.

    It appears the Triplex favored the "e" whereas the corrected editions favored the "r". I've begun to dabble in semiology, and I'm wondering why both of the corrected editions decided to make the same change from the Triplex. In most cases, I can easily see that the corrected editions got it right when they changed the melody. In this case, I'm perplexed.
    Screenshot 2025-01-10 094157.png
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    Screenshot 2025-01-10 094336.png
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    Thanked by 1PaxTecum
  • smvanroodesmvanroode
    Posts: 1,011
    I'm just guessing: is the interval re-mi perhaps more natural to the second mode that the interval do-mi? Does ‘baptizati estis’ mimic ‘estis Christum’?
  • FSSPmusic
    Posts: 311
    Here are the notes from the critical apparatus in Beiträge zur Gregorianik 23:
    Kl; Mod (118.2); Verdum 759, Sarum (124.5), and Moosburg (82.12): only pes re-fa (Verdum in transposition sol-te). In Bv 34, A, and Y the first two notes are not found at all, but the neume begins with fa; in Ch 1st note significantly higher; virga for the first note in B; but E: e for the 1st note, s for the 2nd note!

    I have modified some of the sigla to conform to the usage of this site. Consider that the editors might be mistaken. At -zati es-, Mp gives F D (not a clivis!) C, which corresponds to the oldest extant source, L.
    Thanked by 1MarkB