Hello, I am an amateur composer looking for ways to improve. Here is the Gloria for a mass setting I'm working on. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
My first thought is that your second measure puts the emphasis on the word "to" instead of the word "God." Work to avoid very-unstressed syllables on beat 1. Same thing at the very end "fa-THER." I don't think the dovetailing repetition of the "refrain" is a wise choice. "Give thanks for His great glory," then move on to "Lord God, Heavenly King" It feels like you're stretching the phrase too much in measures 15 and 16, which I'm assuming you do because you wanted to land on the "refrain." Love the tonal shifts at the Lamb of God section. Text setting at "You are seated at the right hand of the Father" feels a little awkward. Workshop that a bit :) Very nice start!
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