Hours confusion on Memorials
  • Liturgy of the Hours confusion over here, from a relative rookie.

    So for example, today,  Sat 8/8: St Dominic
    I'm using the 4-vol set, from CBP

    Mp is 1763 (common of pastors), psalms are from 927 (4-wk psalter)... 

    Common prescribed the "pslms from Sun Wk 1." (I know what those are...) and lists antiphons for use with them. 

    so do i use antiphons from common, with the psalms from 4-wk psalter?

    For other commons, there are even psalms in the common, but the St Joseph guide seems always to say take psalms from the 4-wk. 
    under what circumstances would you use the psalm designations and/or antiphons in the common and NOT the 4-wk psalter? 
  • Kathy
    Posts: 5,515
    Lex Orandi, I think you have some leeway here, depending on your devotion to the saint. A very few memorials have proper antiphons (St. Martin of Tours, I believe, is one example). But generally the memorials come from the commons, in which case the antiphons and Psalms of the day are perfectly fine. It would be equally fine to pray the antiphons and Psalms of the commons (using Sun Wk I for morning prayer). I would do this latter if I had a special devotion to the saint.

    The intercessions can come from either the day or the commons.

    The reading and responsory, and the collect, should definitely be either from the proper or the commons for a non-optional memorial.
  • Gilbert
    Posts: 106
    I don't think one can correctly take the antiphons and psalms from the common for a simple memorial. This is the rule given in the GILH

    Memorials During Ordinary Time
    235. In the office of readings, at morning prayer, and at evening prayer:
    a. the psalms and their antiphons are taken from the current week and day, unless there are proper antiphons or proper psalms, which is indicated as the case occurs;

    The common antiphons and psalms given in the common are usually for feast days and solemnities. So, for instance the memorial of St. Dominic, if he was the prinicpal patron of a city, would be celebrated as a solemnity in that city. In this case, the common antiphons and psalms would be used.