Graduale Romanum (EF) Alleluias
  • Has anyone tabulated the modes and melodies of the Alleluias of the Graduale for Sundays?

    It would be useful to use this information to prioritise which Alleluias to rehearse because they will be repeated a few times during the year.
  • MatthewRoth
    Posts: 2,526
    Well you can just look in the index of the book and go from there.
  • I don't have a comprehensive list, but there are four upcoming alleluia melodies that will be sung at least four times throughout the year:
    Advent I 8 Ostende
    Advent III 4 Excita
    Christmas Day 2 Dies sanctificatus
  • Thanks FSSPmusic. That’s a helpful start for the next few weeks.

    Matthew Roth - I’m asking here (as usual) to prevent reinventing the wheel. No doubt I could go through the indices as you suggest, but simply don’t have the time.