Is there an online tutorial for priests to learn to sing their parts in the 1962 Missa Cantata?
  • Nisi
    Posts: 153
    I.e., Asperges, collects, Gloria & Creed incipits, etc.?
  • MatthewRoth
    Posts: 2,419
    There is some stuff on Youtube for the parts proper to the priest (or the deacon)

    Obviously for the Gloria and the Credo you can find a number of recordings, and quite a few share an incipit as far as the Credo goes.

    Fr. Pasley and others have taught this at the Colloquium.

    TBH, I learned by hearing the collects in the ancient solemn tone ad lib. a million times, and I'm not even a cleric. Sometimes it's more of an art than a science. (The oration "A cunctis" and some of the newer sanctoral prayers are a good example…) This is the one to learn, imho, because you use it daily (except if it's a Requiem, where the orations are recto tono). I would also learn the tonus simplex ad lib; it's ubiquitous for the Asperges prayer, that after the Marian antiphons, at Benediction (and I never quite understood the usage, but the ICRSP uses it at Compline for the collect of that hour.)

    I don't really know what's available online with the right tones…a lot of people mix and match the NO English tones with Latin, or use the festal tone on ferial and other days where the ferial tone is appointed (and the ancient solemn tone allowed).
    Thanked by 1Nisi
  • The FSSP used to have resources for this on their website. I’m not sure if they still do.
    Thanked by 1Nisi
  • MatthewRoth
    Posts: 2,419
    They do for the readings. The collects are in the book (or the sheets from Windsor Latin Mass which form the book, no longer in print as a book) but without an mp3. But as I kind of alluded to above, it's easier to just listen a million times. It's better to mistakenly shift with respect to the formula's cadences than to sing the wrong notes, which is what happens if you stick to those sheets.
    Thanked by 2tomjaw Nisi