New chant font
  • FSSPmusic
    Posts: 276
    francis, this seems to be a compromise between the Solesmes rhythm and the note spacing of the Vatican edition:
    The dot indeed fills in a mora vocis gap in the Vatican edition, but the Solesmes edition ignores it, and it is contrary to their principles to have a short ictic note followed by a dotted note comprising a ternary compound beat, which is considered syncopation. If you choose to retain the dotted note there, the vertical episema needs to go.
    161 x 387 - 19K
  • dankreider
    Posts: 16
    @francis it’s a recreation of the original publication, which used both. I’d love to ask the editors why they did, but that ship has sailed. :-)

    Regardless, the 1906 EH is one of my favorite sacred publications, so I wanted to replicate it faithfully.

    Oh, and… the notation is not quite correct. In fact, all the note heads are hollow, indicating a non-metered interpretation. I just don’t take the time (yet) to match that notation.
    Thanked by 1francis
  • francis
    Posts: 10,782

    The example is experimental (at least ten years in process). If I remember correctly, I think the chant sample comes from gregobase. If you want to follow the logic of development see my thread on ‘hybrid notation’ on this forum.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,206
    Welcome, Dan. Thanks for posting about this interesting project.

    Just a couple of technical notes about posting:

    The reason the imgur link didn't work (above) is that the imgur URL is a link to a web page rather than a direct link to an image, so it doesn't work in an HTML "img" tag. But I see that you got things working later on.

    For future reference: one 'catch' to watch out for is a limitation in the forum software, that an image file uploaded to the forum as an attachment should have no spaces in its file name, and only limited punctuation marks are compatible: hyphens and underscores are fine.