One Year Since I was Installed as a Cantor According to the Pontificale Romanum
  • I give glory to God for this great blessing on me.

    If you are wondering what the ceremony looks like, I have placed it below.

    Psalmista, id est Cantor, potest sola jussione Presbyteri Officium suscipere cantandi, dicente sibi Presbytero:
    Vide, ut quod ore cantas, corde credas, et quod corde credis, operibus comprobes.

    Et si Episcopus Clericos ordinans haec faciat, bene facit.

    Si Officium Psalmistatus collatum olim fuerit degredando, post degredationem a prima Tonsura, si velit, Pontifex dicit:
    Quia quod ore cantasti, corde non credidisti, nec opere implevisti; ideo cantandi officium in Ecclesia Dei a te amovemus.

    On the Office of Cantor

    A Psalmist, that is, a Cantor, can take on the duty of singing by the sole command of the Priest, who should say to him: See that what you sing with your mouth, you believe with your heart, and that what you believe with your heart, you prove by your actions.

    And if a Bishop, in ordaining Clerics, does this, he does well.

    If the office of Psalmist has been conferred previously and then removed after the first Tonsure, if the Pontiff wishes, he says: Because what you sang with your mouth, you did not believe with your heart, nor did you fulfil with your actions; therefore, we remove the duty of singing in the Church of God from you.
    Thanked by 1hilluminar
  • igneusigneus
    Posts: 396
  • Where is this in the pontifical?