Graduale Romanum with English rubrics
  • Hello,

    Does anyone know is there exists a bound version of the Graduale Romanum with the rubrics in English such as how the Liber Brevior is formatted?
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,248
    Thanked by 1IanW
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,804
    I think it is only the Liber Usualis, that has Latin, French, and English versions. I am told a German version also was printed, but have never seen one.
  • The German version of the Liber Usualis has the title Der Katholische Pfarrgottesdienst Messe und Vesper der Sonn- und Festtage, lateinisch und deutsch. The 1958 edition was reprinted in 2018 in a nice gilt-edged edition with amendments and a larger format than the original No. 903. It was published by Sarto Verlagsbuchhandlung.

    In 1909 Desclee published an edition of the Graduale (no. 696) with the Preface to the Vatican Edition in English and an additional 13 pages with translations of the Latin rubrics found throughout the volume. This latter section was titled, "Rubrics for the Laity".