Colloquium takeaways
  • mmeladirectress
    Posts: 1,105

    For those of us not fortunate enough to have attended,

    what are your takeaways on this year's Colloquium?
  • When the colloquium is at a college campus and you aren't as young as you used to be, spend the money to stay in a hotel instead of sleeping in the dorm rooms on the dorm mattresses.
  • TCJ
    Posts: 993
    Having everything in a single building was great. If you wanted to go for a walk outdoors, you still could, but you didn't get rained on or have to walk a mile in 95 degree heat. On the flip side, I do miss visiting multiple churches like we have in the past even though it's much more difficult.

    I'd say the highlight was the Durufle Requiem Sanctus. While I didn't get to sing it at Mass, Mr. Olbash was kind enough to give our choir a sing-through of it during practice. It's always a blast singing for him.

  • Jeffrey Quick
    Posts: 2,103
    Takeaways? Not just "I had a great time" (which I did), but things that stuck with me afterwards?

    I found the experience very validating to my compositional self. And somewhat invalidating (in a good way) to my executant self. In particular, Durufle kicked my butt. It's really not a difficult piece. but the combination of reading from a chorus part and being in a style I don't sing week to week made for a steeper learning curve than I expected (though I did get there). And I'm still not comfortable singing in Spanish.

    Lots of new music. Liked the Pentecost reading (and not just because I was represented). Very much liked Daniel Knaggs' Misa Santiago; being simple is hard, and the "Novus Ordinary" form is hard, and he managed to create something beautiful and classy. Singing lots of new music by early-career composers led me to think/read more about counterpoint, wondering if my pieces are really as put together as I'd like to think. I'd written about Rachel Laurin in passing, but it was nice hearing her music in Aaron James' recital.

    Lots of chant takeaways. David Hughes' gestural thinking. Charlie Weaver's wonderfully geeky breakouts (I wish I could have been at them all, but business before pleasure). I'm finding after 10 annual cycles that I finally love chant. She's not the perfect 10 movie star, or a fount of witticisms, but she'll stay with you and take care of you through thick and thin. Plus I said "I do" when I took my current job. :-)

    Physical plant? It was great having everything in the same building, and in that gorgeous chapel. I wish I had brought a sport jacket as some spaces were chronically cold (and the AC was noisy). Dorms is dorms. It took the kitchen a day to hit their stride, but at least they were prepared for Friday; I felt that Wayne State got caught flatfooted by the sudden increase in demand for meatless.

    And then there were the friends... but that's where we started, yes? Thank you all; I hope I gave value for value.