Seeking tune for refrain for Adoro Te : Ave Jesu Pastor fidelium
  • veromaryveromary
    Posts: 163
    Looking for a word for word translation for Adoro Te, I turned to Fr Caswall's Catholic Latin Instructor. His text gives a refrain for the end of each verse of Adoro Te:

    Ave Jesu! Pastor fidélium!
    Adáuge fidem ómnium in te credéntium.

    I am curious as to the tune for this. The closest I can find is this video which uses a lovely, but very different tune for Adoro Te and Ave Verum, and doesn't have regular sheet music.

    I've found a mention of this question on the Rorate Caeli blog but no answer.
  • Chrism
    Posts: 876
    Did some online searching, it looks like the "Benedictine" Adoro Te melody we are all familiar with dates to the 13th Century, whereas the refrains came much later. There are melodies of the Adoro Te with the Ave Jesu refrain online, including a chant in the Cantus varii Romano-Seraphici. Two other examples I saw were American Catholic Hymnal #325, Sunday School Hymn Book p. 28. Jubilee Hymns, from 1963, contains the refrain in English, as translated by Fr. Caswall (O Shepherd...)

    I haven't been able to find any examples of the Benedictine melody being enhanced with a refrain, nor can I imagine liking such a thing, but that might just be my bias.

  • veromaryveromary
    Posts: 163
    Thanks Chrism! The tune in the American Catholic Hymnal has the same shape as the one in the recording.

    I hadn't thought to check the Cantus varii - I'm sure I have a copy around here somewhere. Thanks!