Latin Mass Hymnal: A Concise Guide to the Novus Ordo Mass for Catholic Parishes
  • AngelaRAngelaR
    Posts: 324
    Hi all, we've been using this hymnal at the Cathedral in Peoria, IL for several months now, and it is extremely usable. I want to get the word out, as it is also extremely cheap and quite well-done. Here's what the publishers have to say about it. (You can see pics of it on the Facebook Cathedral Chant School fan page.)

    The "Latin Mass Hymnal: A Concise Guide to the Novus Ordo Mass for Catholic Parishes" is now available for use. This hymnal was developed by volunteers dedicated to providing a low cost, educational tool for parishes that are re-introducing Latin and Gregorian chant. The current version has several features that aid and encourage congregational participation including (a) side by side Latin and English translations for the Order of the Mass, (b) chant in modified standard notation for all responses and ordinaries, (c) 35 chants in both Gregorian and standard notation along with guides to Gregorian chant notation and Latin pronunciation, and (e) literal translations directly below music text. A compact disc with recordings by a cantor is also available for parishioners interested in learning at home.

    The contributors of the hymnal had a simple initial goal of achieving congregational participation in a sung Latin Novus Ordo Mass. Available hymnals and cost constraints created a road block to achieving this goal. Thus began the effort to develop a hymnal. The first version proved to be very effective resulting in full and eager participation within a few short months. The roadblocks were gone. Encouraged by this response, we decided to revise/expand the hymnal and to make it available for use in other parishes. Approximate cost is $3.00 per copy. Contact Candy Bartoldus ( or Fr. Paul Dudzinski (540-675-3432).
  • Jeffrey TuckerJeffrey Tucker
    Posts: 3,624
    This sounds just great! I'll call and get a copy. It would also be helpful to put it online.
  • miacoyne
    Posts: 1,805
    Thanks Angela for the info. I'm very interested in the Hymnal. (For the first time I actually sighed up facebook to see the book. I hope I found the right page. Seeing many familiar faces from the Colloquium must be a good sign.)
    I sent an email to purchase a copy to see whether I could use for my children's schola.
  • AngelaRAngelaR
    Posts: 324
    Yay! It makes me happy that others are interested. I really think it's a fantastic resource, and it has dramatically changed the participation level at the cathedral. Before we just had a two-sided laminated sheet of paper.
  • Jeffrey TuckerJeffrey Tucker
    Posts: 3,624
    So are you going to send a PDF of this? Or is there no PDF?
  • RagueneauRagueneau
    Posts: 2,592
    If at all possible, please put up a sample page --- thanks!
  • Link to their page: Chant School#/note.php?note_id=105986739023&ref=mf

    This is an example of a church going ahead and creating a hymnal that matches their needs instead of accepting what the industry wants them to have. Kudos.
  • This deserves more than kudos. Great, great praise for the initiative and creative spirit. I hope that at $3 you are more than breaking even because everyone on this list should order a copy.

    So do it.


    We're waiting.
  • AngelaRAngelaR
    Posts: 324
    I am just a humble messenger, as the name "Angela" suggests. I worked with Candy, one of the publishers, in asking for various slight alterations for our Cathedral edition, and in proofreading it. The credit goes almost entirely to Candy and her team, however, and if you want anything more than the blurb I posted, or the pictures on Facebook, you will have to contact her directly. (Incidentally, I met Candy during the advanced Gregorian chant study course organized by Diana Silva and at Solesmes last year. It was one of those divinely ordained moments.)
  • AngelaRAngelaR
    Posts: 324
    Oh, but the fan page itself belongs to the school that I myself direct, BTW. More on the Cathedral Chant School in the next edition of Sacred Music. :)
  • francis
    Posts: 10,909
    Iz there a pdf of this? i really want to see it!
  • AngelaRAngelaR
    Posts: 324

    If there is a PDF, you'll have to ask the publisher for it. Either way, you can probably get a free copy. You can write to Candy Bartoldus at for a copy.

    These have been a huge success at our Cathedral -- so much so, that people are literally walking out the doors with them. We keep replenishing our supply from storage because of this mysterious evaporation.
