Passion Sunday at...
  • Presentation of the Lord Catholic Church
    Montgomery, Texas
    The Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter

    Passion Sunday

    Propers - from The Saint Peter Gradual
    Ordinary - Missa Seraphica, Francis Burgess

    In Procession - The Great Litany
    Offertory Motet - Parce Mihi Domine, Morales
    Communion Hymn - My Song is Love Unknown, LOVE UNKNOWN
    Communion Anthem - Is It Nothing to You? Ouseley
    Closing Hymn - Sunset to Sunrise, KEDRON
  • NihilNominisNihilNominis
    Posts: 1,011
    That Morales is exquisite! We did it on Lent I. We sang the Seraphica, in Latin, on Laetare.

    The Cincinnati Oratory
    Old St Mary’s Church

    9.30am Mass (Latin)

    Full Propers
    Mass XVIII
    Adoramus Te, Dubois
    Stabat mater, Tartini
    Vexilla regis, Plainsong

    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • trentonjconn
    Posts: 607
    St. Aelred Catholic Church
    Bishop, Georgia
    The Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter

    Ordinary: Englished Mass XVII w/ Merbecke Decalogue
    Prelude: omitted
    Procession: Great Litany
    Introit: Palmer and Burgess Plainchant Gradual
    Gradual: St. Peter Gradual
    Tract: St. Peter Gradual
    Credo: recto tono
    Offertory: Palmer and Burgess Plainchant Gradual w/ drones
    Offertory Hymn: Drop, Drop Slow Tears, SONG 46
    Communion: St. Peter Gradual
    Communion Other: Attende Domine, Psalm 130 during ablutions
    Recessional: Glory Be to Jesus, CASWALL
    Postlude: omitted

    Do any other Ordinariate folks use the decalogue during Lent instead of the Kyrie? I'm not sure how I feel about it; it seems strange not to have a true Kyrie.
  • MatthewRoth
    Posts: 2,212
    Our Lady and Saint John in Louisville has usually done basically every thing possible during Lent: a procession with the Litany one week, the Decalogue another, the prayers of the foot of the altar… you get the picture. The ordinary practice when I was around was the Summary of the Law and Kyrie without prayers at the foot.

    Also, Glory Be to Jesus is great and I don’t understand why it’s not more loved.
  • NihilNominisNihilNominis
    Posts: 1,011
    Glory be to Jesus is an absolute favorite. I use it a ton at English Masses.
    Thanked by 1trentonjconn
  • emac3183
    Posts: 46
    Saint John the Baptist Catholic Church, Jordan, MN

    English Propers from Source and Summit Missal (Bartlett)

    Gathering Space before Mass: Hosanna filio David (Men)
    Entrance Hymn: All Glory, Laud, and Honor
    Offertory Hymn: Ah, Holy Jesus
    Sanctus Missa Primitiva (Missal chant, Latin)
    Memorial Acclamation Missa Primitiva (Latin)
    Agnus Dei Missa Primitiva (Latin)
    Communion: O Sacred Head Surrounded
    Adoramus Te, Christe by Dubois
    O Bone Jesu by Ingegneri
    Recessional Hymn: Ave Regina Caelorum
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • trentonjconn
    Posts: 607
    The above is for Passion Sunday this past weekend? Or Palm Sunday this coming weekend?
  • emac3183
    Posts: 46
    Good catch–yes, Palm Sunday [of the Passion of the Lord]. Pardon my confusion.
    Already looking ahead to the next thing...
    Thanked by 1trentonjconn
  • Do any...
    We did the Decalogue last week (the real Passion Sunday) at Walsingham.
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,764
    Passion Sunday (Not Palm Sunday)
    Asperges ad lib II
    INT. Judica Me Deus with ad lib verse Et Introibo (Graduale Romanum 1924)
    KYR. Mass XVII mode IV Kyrie
    GRAD.Eripe me (Graduale Romanum 1924)
    TRACT. Saepe (Graduale Romanum 1924)
    CRD. Credo II
    OFF. Confitebor (Graduale Romanum 1924)
    OFF motet. Rex Christe Factor Omnium, Office Hymn for Passiontide
    SAN. Mass XVII
    BEN. Mass XVII
    AGN. Mass XVII
    COM. Hoc Corpus (Graduale Romanum 1924)
    COM motet. Hymnus Dicamus Domino, Ambrosian hymn
    Domine Salvum fac (Tonus Regalis)
    Ave Regina Caelorum simple tone
  • rich_enough
    Posts: 1,046
    Sts. Cyril and Methodius Oratory, Bridgeport, Connecticut (ICKSP)

    No solo organ music

    Proper Gregorian chants of the day: Judica me, Deus

    Mass Ordinary: Mass XVII (with Kyrie "A" for Lent); Credo I

    Motet at the Offertory: Hoc corpus - Melchor Robledo (c.1510-1586)

    Motet at the Communion: Vexilla regis - Antoine Brumel (c.1460-1512) - adapted from his setting of O Crux, ave

    Marian antiphon: Ave regina cœlorum (simple tone) - chant, mode vi

    Hymn: The Royal Banners Forward Go (Vexilla regis) - AGINCOURT HYMN
  • Jeffrey Quick
    Posts: 2,086
    St. Mary Akron TLM:
    Pro/recessional: O Holy Jesus (HERZLIEBSTER JESU)
    Asperges with Gloria Patri (because in the heat of battle the cantor forgot), unacc.
    Gradual and Tract psalm-toned, rest of Proper Gregorian
    Mass XVII, Credo V unacc.
    Offertory: O vos omnes (Casciolini, with organ)
    Communion: the antiphon with verses.
  • .
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen