Setting Policy for Sacraments
  • Our new Bishop sent out a packet to churches within days of being installed outlining what will be done at Confirmation.

    Weddings could also benefit by guidance. I can guarantee that you, with the distribution of this video over the internet, will be facing challenges in the future.
  • GavinGavin
    Posts: 2,799
    Noel, you seem to be implying that weddings are NOT all about the ego of the couple. Luckily we have TV wedding reality shows to tell us the truth.
  • miacoyne
    Posts: 1,805
    Noel, I was able to watch only for maybe 5 seconds.
    This mockery of Holy Sacrament. (was there a Mass? I hope not.) I just couldn't take it anymore.
    Anybody with a common sense can tell this is not right. (Although it seems that some Catholics lost even common sense. Maybe they were drunk before the wedding?)

    I just came back from the daily Mass where our priest announced that we don't have daily Mass next week, because he is now only priest in our parish, and he has to be away. This video, no priest to celebrate the Mass... made me cry.

    But God is good, there are many good Catholics and we will pray for holy priests. I won't let myself discouraged. All the negative things can help me pray more and stay stronger. Thanks.
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,997
    Don't let our local diocesan music committee see this video. They will think it's "inclusive" and the next diocesan event will look like it. In my part of the world, we would say this looks like either a "white trash wedding" or that these folks act like they are at a wrestling match. Uncharitable? Perhaps. But accurate.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,232
    Thank Heavens; the minister was a lady, so this was not in a Catholic church.
  • miacoyne
    Posts: 1,805
    Thanks chonak. What a relief.
  • The church does appear to have a tabernacle...?
  • JamJam
    Posts: 636
    Don't some anglican churches have tabernacles?
  • David AndrewDavid Andrew
    Posts: 1,206
    Wow. That's . . . it's . . . I . . . Wow.
  • GavinGavin
    Posts: 2,799
    Have I mentioned how ashamed I am of how my generation behaves in church? Every wedding and funeral I go to, everyone under 30 looks like a slob and acts like they couldn't care less where they are.

    People who keep saying us young'ns are the hope for restoration of the Sacred in the Church: watch that video. We're worse than the boomers.
  • rogue63
    Posts: 410
    This sort of thing comes from the same culture that now promotes "boudoir photography" for brides-to-be. Unbelievable, really, that Western culture can fall so far. Seeing that video reminds of a recent conversation about Bosch and the "Garden of Earthly Delights"; our conclusion was that Bosch was extremely talented, very well-versed in iconography and symbolism, a devout and sincere Catholic (probably) and utterly, completely, mad as a hatter. A choreographed routine like that video is energizing, exciting, invitatory, exultant, and it has NOTHING TO DO WITH THE SACRAMENT. It's a non sequitur. May God help us.
  • Gavin--While I certainly know what you mean about the lack of sartorial and behavioral reverence among many folks in church, it's not universal. The multitude of young adults in my archdiocese of Washington parish are always quite reverent and relatively decently dressed--few ties, perhaps, but never shorts, collarless/sleeveless shirts, or flip-flops. It's the Boomers (only) that still show up in jeans! The whole college chaplaincy culture definitely encourages folks to 'come as they are' in a laughably adolescent-rebellion way, but fewer and fewer are falling into this trap and the people I know get away from this ethos very quickly upon graduation. The biggest correlation is between the overal orthodoxy/faithfulness of the diocese and parish in which people live and pray. It's not a strict one-to-one relationship, but it's clearly there. There's also a less clear but still discernable connection to social class, although stating so risks incuring a flame-war attack.
  • JamJam
    Posts: 636
    I've seen, in my generation, punk-rock guitar concert Catholics who love to ham it up in the sanctuary wearing jeans and flipflops... I've also seen schola members, people more liturgically conservative than I am, Latin and history scholars, future priests who CARE about liturgy, girls who want nothing more than to be a nun in a habit, helping the poor. I've seen a large group of college students drive over an hour every Sunday morning to attend an EF low Mass in a small town nearby because of the liturgical depravity of the parish across the street from them. My generation did not live through Vatican II, so they don't have all the same reservations and hangups and prejudices.

    If there's hope for the Catholic church in America, it's in people of my generation rediscovering what Catholic Christianity really is.
  • Chironomo
    Posts: 29

    Our Bishop did similarly. And he is very big on sending out very specific indications for musicians and ministers for Masses which he will be celebrating. If only he would say something about Masses when he is NOT celebrating...