best repertoire for freshman high school choir?
  • Earl_GreyEarl_Grey
    Posts: 905
    Directing a new freshman high school choir. Private catholic school with no choral library or budget. Most have no previous choral training. Have been working on singing technique and sight-reading. I've taught them some unison chants, hymns and rounds, but need some more substantial repertoire. More female voices than male and several of the young men still haven't changed or are changing, so most SATB is not practical. Looking for quality SAB/3-part mixed repertoire that is accessible, but of high quality--both music and text. Mostly interested in sacred, but quality folk/art music would also be considered. Perhaps settings of texts by Hopkins, et al. What are the must have pieces that should be in the school library--both published and freely available? What are your favorites?

    Just scrolling though the standard offerings of the major choral publishers is depressing. Not interested in any show choir music, pop music, woke music, or any twaddle. As they develop, I'd like to introduce them to the master works, but I need some pedagogical repertoire first to get them there.
  • Palestrina's Jesu Rex Admirabilis is very good.
  • Also the three part music by Oreste Ravanello. Te Joseph Celebrent is particularly fun.

    And Christoph Dalitz's Tribus Vocibus Mass.

    Palestrina's Bonus Est Dominus.
  • CGM
    Posts: 710
    Several years ago Peter Kwasniewski posted on this forum a number of 3-vc motets, principally in SAB scoring, mostly in his own editions (and a couple of his own compositions). I downloaded them all and assembled them into a single PDF. Palestrina's "Bonus est Dominus" is among the works included.

    Additionally, I put together a collection of simple SATB motets that I've used with beginner choirs over the years. It includes the three-voice Palestrina "Jesu Rex admirabilis," which is an excellent starter piece for a choir like the one you've described.

    Both files are attached.