Holy Family readings
  • My understanding is that during Year B in the NO, there are two sets of first and second readings to choose from. The first set can be used on the feast in any year, and the second set is specific to Year B but, again, an option. The celebrant at today’s NO Mass, which I played, stated in a definitive tone that the second set (beginning with an account of Abraham, etc.) is mandatory for when the feast falls on a Sunday. Any ideas where he might have gotten that idea from?
  • Liam
    Posts: 5,142
    I don't know about other episcopal conferences, but here's a synopsis of the 1998 Lectionary currently in effect in the USA:

  • Link doesn’t seem to work.
  • MarkB
    Posts: 1,092
    The USCCB readings calendar for today's feast shows both A & B sets of readings are permissible:

  • Sounds made-up to me. I’ve always seen that Year A is always an option no matter the cycle, and B/C readings are options during their respective cycles. There’s nothing that I’ve seen that states what your celebrant has said.
    Thanked by 1Diapason84
  • I noticed my gospel verse this weekend (which was taken from a hymn list I did either 3 or 6 years ago) didn't match our missalette.
  • hcmusicguy, was it “Let the peace of Christ control your hearts…” or “In the past God spoke to our ancestors…”? I think the former is prescribed with Year A’s readings and the latter with Year B’s.
  • smvanroodesmvanroode
    Posts: 1,007
    The celebrant at today’s NO Mass, which I played, stated in a definitive tone that the second set (beginning with an account of Abraham, etc.) is mandatory for when the feast falls on a Sunday. Any ideas where he might have gotten that idea from?

    The only thing I can tink of, is that when the Feast of the Holy Family is not celebrated on a Sunday (which happens when Christmas falls on a Sunday; it is then celebrated on Friday December 30), only the general set makes sense, because on a weekday, the cycle of Year B or Year C is not used...

    That reasoning is, however, faulty. And that doesn't make the sets for Year B and C mandatory on Sunday.