Ordinariate Funeral for Unbaptized Infant
  • I have a very niche question which I'd appreciate prompt input on. I'm singing and playing a funeral in the Ordinariate form for an unbaptized infant on Monday. My gradual lists propers for an infant, but makes no distinction about baptized vs. unbaptized. The document which I've included here gives propers for the introit, gradual, and alleluia. These three propers are the same as those for any infant in my Anglican Use Gradual. However, the document below does not list an offertory or a communion, and there is a sentence which seems to imply that the rest of the Mass goes on as normal.

    Am I to take it that the propers for an unbaptized infant are a mashup of those for an infant and those which would be used at a normal requiem? Or should I also take the offertory and communion from the propers for an infant? Which one of the two schema below is the correct option?

    Introit: Absterget Deus
    Gradual: Beata Gens
    Alleluia: Laudate Pueri
    Offertory: Intende Voci
    Communion: Dominus Regit Me


    Introit: Absterget Deus
    Gradual: Beata Gens
    Alleluia: Laudate Pueri
    Offertory: Domine Jesu Christe
    Communion: Lux Aeterna
  • a_f_hawkins
    Posts: 3,448
    The current OF Missal has a section "FOR THE BURIAL OF CHILDREN" and then divides it into A- Baptised children and B- Non-baptised children. As DW: the Missal does not provide a distinction I would assume no distinction is to be made. Hence your schema 1.
    But this is just my interpretation.
    Thanked by 1trentonjconn