Unused copies of Liber Usualis
  • JDE
    Posts: 588
    Many of you are probably on the mailing list for the Association Musica Sacra (not to be confused with the Church Music Association of America). This organization is located in France. They claim to have uncovered a trove of unused, 1962-edition copies of the Liber Usualis. They are in Latin with Latin rubrics.


    They are letting them go for 60 Euros apiece. If you don't have a pre-V2 Liber, now is your chance. If the link doesn't work, there is a link to the book from the homepage. It is advertised as "The Best Book for Gregorian Chant."

    Full disclosure: I have no affiliation with musique-liturgique dot com or the Association Musica Sacra. I am passing this along only because i think some people might be interested, and because you might not be on the list (since it is sent out in French). As for me, I already have a 1953 edition of the LU.
  • Just for purposes of comparison shopping, remember that Preserving Christian Publications is reprinting the 1962 edition of the No. 780 Liber Usualis for $98 + s/h.