1920 Supplementum ad Antiphonale Vaticanum
  • Hello, as this is my first post to this forum, I thought I should introduce myself. My name is Kyle. I a seminarian and I have a great passion for Gregorian chant.

    I am currently working on a project that requires several antiphons from the Office Propria pro aliquibus locis, Supplementum ad Antiphonale Vaticanum published in 1920. I have been searching for a while and the book seems pretty hard to find. Does anyone have a pdf of the book?

    Many thanks.
  • What antiphons? In case someone has one of them in somewhere else...
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,234
    Also, if the particular places (locis) are indicated, please let us know that; it might help us find a book with the antiphons.