“Where Love and Charity Abide” — Lucien Deiss
  • Does anyone have a copy of Lucien Deiss’ composition of the Ubi caritas? I have heard this composition at a few different parishes, yet I can’t seem to find music for it anywhere. Would really like to suggest it for our rotation but need the music to do so.
  • ronkrisman
    Posts: 1,396
    "Where Love and Charity Abide" is no. 71 in Fr. Deiss' Biblical Hymns and Psalms, Vol. II, published by World Library Publications in 1970. (WLP is now a wholly-owned subsidiary of GIA Publications.) The collection is available on the GIA website in these editions: choir, organ accompaniment, brass parts.

    The setting is also found in the 1970 edition of WLP's People's Mass Book (but not in the 1984 or 2003 editions).
  • Thank you, Fr. Krisman! I was wondering if it was part of one of his collections.
  • If you have an old "We Celebrate" (1970s or 1980s) or "People's Mass Book" (1970s) kicking around, you'll probably find it there as well.