Vespers - 3 Ways to Sing Psalms
  • Bri
    Posts: 116
    I have a question about the 3 ways to sing psalms during Vespers.

    The General Instruction on the Liturgy of the Hours states the following:

    122. The psalms are sung or said in one of three ways, according to the different usages established in tradition or experience: directly (in diredum), that is, all sing the entire psalm, or antiphonally, that is, two choirs or sections of the congregation sing alternate verses or strophes, or responsorially.

    What does it mean to sing "responsorially"?

    Is this adding the antiphon in between each psalm verse?

    Alternating psalm verses between a cantor and the congregation?

    Or something else?

    Thank you!

  • Liam
    Posts: 5,069
    "Is this adding the antiphon in between each psalm verse?"

  • igneusigneus
    Posts: 377
    * while the psalm verses are sung by a cantor, not by the whole congregation or alternating parts thereof. (If the antiphon is repeated after each verse, but the verses are sung by alternating choirs, it's still antiphonal, not responsorial psalmody.)

    There are also some psalms particularly suitable for responsorial singing (e.g. Ps. 136) where the responsorial structure is already available in the psalm text itself.
  • FKulash
    Posts: 80
    What does it mean to sing "responsorially"?
    Is this adding the antiphon in between each psalm verse?

    GILH 125 says "the antiphons may be repeated after each stophe", not each verse. In printed breviaries, strophes are usually indicated by additional spacing between lines, as after "eloquium tuum" below


    When people say "verse" when talking about chanting psalms, they usually mean a sung verse. not the verse numbers used in citations. (Sometimes they are the same, but sometimes not. The second sung verse above begins with "In conspectu", but citation verse 2 begins "adorabo ad templum".) Either way, it would be odd the repeat the antiphon after each verse.

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    Thanked by 1Bri
  • Bri
    Posts: 116
    I have seen some singing of Vespers (on EWTN, I believe) where there is alternation between a cantor and a congregation.

    Does this seem like a legitimate way to sing Vespers, as envisioned by the GILH?
  • igneusigneus
    Posts: 377
    Yes, there's nothing illegitimate about it as far as the liturgical law currently in force is concerned.
    Thanked by 1Bri