Changing the font of initials in GregorioTeX
  • Could someone show me the easiest way to change the font in initials in GregorioTeX?

    And also, how do it only once for all the scores in a document?
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,235
    Here is a fairly easy way.

    If your LaTeX document file does not already contain this line, add it in the top section before the begin{document} command:

    Specify the main font for your score:
    \setmainfont{Georgia} % or whatever font name you prefer. It must be installed already.

    Then, also in the top section, call a macro once to define the style of the initial letter:
    \grechangestyle{initial}{\setmainfont{Cloister Black BT}\fontsize{40}{40}\selectfont}

    • grechangestyle is a macro for setting the styles of various elements. It's defined in the full manual for GregorioTeX, which you can find at
      (I trust you are running version 6.0.0 of gregorio.)
    • initial specifies which element you're setting a style for.
    • The code in the next set of braces, \setmainfont{Cloister Black BT}\fontsize{40}{40}\selectfont, selects the font you want, and specifies the size. This font must also be installed already.

    403 x 160 - 13K
  • Thank you very much!