A new blog site
  • David AndrewDavid Andrew
    Posts: 1,206
    I have finally bitten the bullet, and have launched my own blog site. There's not much there, yet, but I hope you'll take a few minutes to go have a look, participate in discussions and check it every so often to see what's new.

    I also hope that much of the valuable, insightful and lively discussions that take place here will also find a home on my blog from time to time.

    Here's the address: www.aviewfromtheloft.blogspot.com.
  • Jeffrey TuckerJeffrey Tucker
    Posts: 3,624
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,995
    The blog looks good and the church is beautiful.
  • GavinGavin
    Posts: 2,799
    If I might give a bit of general advice for blogging (I'd be happy to share more specific experiences sometime in person) :

    - Post regularly and often. I made a habit of at least having Sunday and Monday features of what the music was at Mass (Sunday) and how it was performed/received/any other comments on it (Monday). People don't want to visit a blog that never has ANYTHING new.
    - When you get on a roll writing, go ahead and turn out a few posts and then publish one and save the rest as "drafts" to publish when you don't have time to write.
    - Keep entries short, no longer than the one on patriotic music. Blogging is for sharing thoughts and experiences, publishing is for a full treatment. Also, keep them focused. If you have an involved subject that requires a long and careful treatment, go for a multi-parter (a great way of getting people to come back)
    - You have a disclaimer. This is great for a public, non-anonymous blog. Now write as though you don't have one, because all the same everything you write WILL be interpreted as being the thoughts and views of your boss, the totality of the music ministry, and every single individual who has ever been within a mile of the building.
    - Do not allow anonymous comments. This is for practical reasons. I allowed pseudomymous comments on my last blog, not because I wanted to do away with "anonymous coward syndrome", I just was losing track of who was writing what!
  • Blaise
    Posts: 439
    Splendid, Dr. Saunders! The church is beautiful, and I like the creative name of the blog ("A View From the Loft").
  • David AndrewDavid Andrew
    Posts: 1,206
    Thanks to all for the helpful comments!
  • kevinfkevinf
    Posts: 1,201
    Very nice. Will follow your posts.