We started our celebration of Pentecost with the Vigil... Saturday am Prophecy 1 & 2: Prophecy tone TRACT: Cantemus (Chant from the Gradual Romanum 1924) Prophecy 3: Prophecy tone TRACT: Attende (Chant from the Gradual Romanum 1924) Prophecy 4: Prophecy tone TRACT: Vinea (Chant from the Gradual Romanum 1924) Prophecy 5 & 6: Prophecy tone TRACT: Sicut cervus / Sitivit Palestrina setting LITANY: Common tone KYRIE I ad lib. GLO. Byrd 3 part ALL.: Confitemini (Chant from the Gradual Romanum 1924) TRACT: Laudate Dominum (Chant from the Gradual Romanum 1924) OFF.: Emitte Spriritum (Chant from the Gradual Romanum 1924) OFF. Motet: Qui proceedis ab utroque (Former sequence) SAN. Byrd 3 part BEN. Byrd 3 part AGN. Byrd 3 part COM.: Ultimo festivitatis (Chant from the Gradual Romanum 1924) COM. Motet: Ave Verum, Byrd Marian Anthem: Regina Caeli Solemn tone
Sunday (Our Priest used a Missal from the 1590's carefully checked to see that the texts were the same) Vidi Aquam: Chant Int. Spiritus Domini (William Byrd) Kyrie Mass II Gloria Mass II Alleluia, Emitte Spiritum tuum (William Byrd) Sequence, Veni Sancte Spiritus (Chant from the Graduale Romanum) Credo I Offertory, Confirma hoc Deus (William Byrd) Offertory motet. Hymn Veni Creator Spiritus Sanctus Mass II Benedictus Mass II Agnus Mass II Communion, Factus est repente (William Byrd) Communion motet. Hymn Beata nobis gaudia Domine Salvum fac, Setting from a Jacobite manuscript Regina Caeli. Franz Xaver Witt setting.
Processional: Come, Holy Ghost (LAMBILLOTTE) Gloria: Carroll T. Andrews Psalm: Respond & Acclaim (O. Alstott) Alleluia: Festival Alleluia (J. Chepponis) Offertory: O Breathe on Me, O Breath of God (ST. COLUMBA) Parts: Mass of Christ the Savior (D. Schutte) Communion: Take and Eat (M. Joncas) / Vine and Branches (T. Thomson) Recessional: The Spirit Sends Us Forth (AZMON)
Forgot that we did Fr. Chepponis’ “Festival Alleluia” today, not the R&A one. Also, we did the “Hymn to Joy” Pentecost Sequence. Not my favorite, but the people sing it.
Opening: Come, Holy Ghost Gloria: Immaculate Conception (Latona) Psalm: Collegeville (great setting) Alleluia: Festival (Chepponis) Offertory: We Are Many Parts Mass: Community Communion: Come to Me and Drink Closing: God of Our Fathers
Before Mass - Vidi Aquam Entrance - improvisation on introit Spiritus Domini Kyrie - Litany of the Saints Alleluia- Leo Nestor Offertory -improvisation on Veni Sancte Spiritus Agnus dei - Missa Regia, adapted Communion - improvisation on Veni Creator Spiritus Recessional - Come Holy Ghost
10 AM Mass
Before Mass - Vidi Aquam improvisation on introit Spiritus Domini Opening Hymn - All Creatures of Our God and King Kyrie - Jubilate Deo Heritage Gloria Responsorial Psalm and Alleluia - Source and Summit Offertory - Come Holy Ghost Sanctus - Jubilate Deo Agnus Dei - ad libitum Communion - improvisation on Veni Creator Spiritus Recessional - Come, Thou Almighty King
Vigil (Divine Worship) Prophecies with psalm-tone graduals; Palestrina, Missa Aeterna Christi munera; Graduale propers; hymn Come down, O love divine (Down Ampney); Regina caeli (simplex).
OF Tallis, If ye love me (before Mass); Graduale introit, second alleluia, communion; Vidi aquam; Haydn Missa Brevis in B flat (Little Organ Mass); sequence (arr Jehan Revert); Credo III; offertory hymn Come down, O love divine (Down Ampney); Atwood, Come Holy Ghost; communion hymn O thou who camest from above (Hereford); Regina caeli (simplex).
EF Veni creator chant; Propers Mass I; Credo III; Regina caeli (simplex)
St. Aelred, Bishop GA (Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter) Sung Mass at 10:45am
Ordinaries: Willan Missa Maria Magdalena Prelude: Komm, Gott Schöpfer, Kirnberger Procession: Come, Holy Comforter Vidi Aquam: Anglican Use Gradual Introit: St. Peter Gradual Gradual: St. Peter Gradual Alleluia: St. Peter Gradual Sequence: Anglican Use Gradual Credo: There was a baptism, so the Creed is not repeated (sadly) Offertory: St. Peter Gradual Offertory Hymn: O Come, Creator Spirit Communion: St. Peter Gradual, followed by organ improv Recessional Hymn: Holy Spirit, Sanctifier Postlude: BWV 667
We also started with the vigil. Music was very similar between the two. All psalms from SSM. Sequence also from there, English according to the traditional melody.
Mass Ordinary: ICEL Creed I, Missa de Angelis
Hymns: Come, Holy Ghost LAMBILOTTE, Breathe on Me, Breath of God ST COLUMBA, Spirit Divine, Attend Our Prayer NEWMAN, Come Thou Almighty King ITALIAN HYMN
Organ: Meditation on "Kyrie" by can't remember who..., improvisation on Veni Creator Spiritus, Pachelbel Toccata in G Minor
Choir: If Ye Love Me (Prelude), Accendat in Nobis by Nicholas Lemme (Out of the Parish Book of Motets–this is a really cool piece! Tough harmonies, though...)
Introit: Source and Summit Sprinkling Rite: Nestor Gloria: Holy Name of Jesus (Duncan IV) Psalm: Source and Summit Sequence: Richard Clark (8am), Gregorian adapted by Proulx (10am) Festival Alleluia (Chepponis) Offertory proper: Lalemont. Hymn: Spirit Divine, Attend Our Prayer (ST AGNES) A Community Mass (Proulx) Communion: Source and Summit anthem at 10am: Hymn to the Holy Spirit (Currie) Recessional: Come Holy Ghost (LAMBILOTTE) Postlude: Toccata Brevis (Daniel Gawthrop)
Prelude: Nun bitten wir den Heiligen Geist (Buxtehude) Entrance: Come, Holy Ghost Vidi aquam: Nestor Gloria: Mass of Redemption (Janco) Psalm 104: Proulx Sequence: Gregorian but in English (traditional text) Alleluia: Festival Alleluia (Chepponis) Offertory: Come Down, O Love Divine (Tadmin-Robbins) Sanctus/Mysterium/Agnus: Mass of Redemption Communion: proper from English Proper Chants (Ainsele) Recessional: The Spirit Sends Us Forth to Serve No postlude as Anointing of the Sick followed immediately
Sts. Cyril and Methodius Oratory, Bridgeport, Connecticut (ICKSP)
Prelude: Veni Creator Spiritus (En taille, Fugue à 5, Duo) - Nicolas de Grigny (1672-1703)
Hymn: Come, Holy Ghost (LAMBILLOTTE)
Proper Gregorian chants of the feast: Spiritus Domini
Mass Ordinary: Missa Secunda - Hans Leo Hassler (1564-1612); Credo III
Motet at the Offertory: Confirma hoc, Deus - Josef Rheinberger (1839-1901) (with Children's Schola)
Motets at the Communion: (1) Veni Creator - Josquin des Prez (c.1450-1521) (with Children's Schola; arr. from the "Ave vera virginitas" section of his motet "Ave Maria . . . virgo serena", alternating with chant) (2) Confirma hoc, Deus - Gregor Aichinger (c.1564-1628) (secunda pars of "Factus est repente")
Hymn: Hail the Joyful Day’s Return (WÜRTEMBURG)
Postlude: Veni Creator Spiritus (Dialogue sur les grands Jeux) - Nicolas de Grigny
Full proper Ordinary: W.A. Mozart, K. 317 Credo IV Ave Maria, J.Rheinberger Emitte Spiritum Tuum a 8, Schuetky Veni Creator Regina Caeli (plainsong) Come, Holy Ghost (all verses)
The LU morning Vigil is interesting, with the 7 Prophesies the same as the Easter Vigil. I'm not clear on what place it would have in the NO, though Father did say something about having 4 readings instead of 3 in mind for next year's Saturday Mass <:-/<br />
St David of Wales, Richmond Calif. Sunday 8:00 & 11:00
Come Holy Ghost LAMBILLOTTE Schubert Deutsche Messe Guillemont Ps. & 3-fold mode 1 Alleluia Veni Sancte Spiritus (English, with Chartres countermelody on even vv.) W. Harris Come Holy Spirit, come (Confirma hoc Deus at 8:00 & Saturday) Factus est (American Gradual) Veni Creator & Regina caeli God's blessing sends us forth ST ELIZABETH/O DU FRÖHLICHE
I got an email from the music director at one of the churches in the Twin Cities area letting me know that they used my double descants with "Come down, O Love divine" at the entrance hymn.
Prelude:Veni Creator Spiritus by Noel Rawsthorne Entrance Hymn:Come Holy Ghost (Lambilotte), started with a fanfare quoting Veni Sancte Spiritus Entrance Antiphon: my setting of Dum Sanctificatus: https://youtu.be/l5XQZaX4BTQ Kyrie de angelis Gloria (and Agnus Dei): Missa Tribus Vocibus by Dalitz (a true gem!) Psalm:https://youtu.be/a-csrKVH7DI?t=143 Sequence: after Jehan Revert as exemplified by https://youtu.be/s7prW6M8gPM, albeit with all verses sung and the organ versets merely added on, and not suppressing certain verses. (And yes, I let it rip. It was epic.) Festal Alleluia:https://youtu.be/BseoiCeOCbo Offertory Hymn:Veni Creator Spiritus (first verse in Latin, then english translation by Robert Campbell) Communion Antiphon:Factus Est (original latin first, then Palmer/Burgess in english with verses) Communion Hymn:O Holy Spirit, Now Descend on Me (to Eventide... I know... I know... it works. trust me.) Regina Cæli Postlude:Come Holy Ghost by Robert Hebble: https://youtu.be/OvYYaIq0cvA
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