Rather nice Gloria intro for Holy Saturday
  • vansensei
    Posts: 226

    This is from St. Gertrude the Great in metro Cincinnati, whose once-pastor Rev. Anthony Cekada was a member here, I think. He was a fine organist in his own right and it seems the next generation there is doing good work as well.
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,826
    Tradition ist Schlamperei, we sometimes say. Every year our folks are even more worried about being late with the bells and the overeagerness resulted in the intonation being omitted and people finally joining the organ around "We praise you…" as the lights came on. I looked at a few other places to see in what order things happen there.

    Westminister Cathedral: intonation "Gloria in excelsis Deo"; lights, fanfare and bells all together; congregation sits for choral "Et in terra pax"

    Oakland Cathedral: Similar, except lights are up at Exultet and people stand through Gloria.

    St Peter's
    : same but straight into antiphonal Gloria, light switched on at first "Lumen Christi"

    Köln: fanfare with bells, lights, intoned "Gloria in excelsis", then "Allein Gott in der Höh". Candles were snuffed during Exultet.