Liturgical rules regarding weekday Masses and Readings
  • ghmus7
    Posts: 1,489
    Hello Brainiacs:
    I have a school graduation Mass on a Thursday during the week. For the past three years, they have wanted to do their own psalm, and have, which is not the lectionary psalm for the day. As well, they have chosen their own readings - I believe from the Mass of Confirmation, even though that this is not a confirmation.
    I thought I was correct is saying that this is not kosher, and that we are bound to proclaim the readings in the lectionary.
    I do do know that there are instances when a priest may choose a votive mass, but do not know the circumstances.
    Please advise.
  • MarkB
    Posts: 1,092
    There is wide latitude for choosing readings when Mass is celebrated with special groups.

    GIRM 358: In Masses for special groups, the Priest shall be allowed to choose texts more particularly suited to the particular celebration, provided they are taken from the texts of an approved Lectionary.
  • Caleferink
    Posts: 435
    It depends on where the day falls in the Table of Liturgical Days.
    1-4: bound to use texts of day
    5-9: should probably use texts of day, probably supposed to get bishop's permission to do otherwise
    10 and down: more latitude

    As for what Mass to use for a graduation, if you do have said latitude, perhaps an appropriate Mass for Various Needs and Occasions, such as "For Giving Thanks to God" would be appropriate, or if the school is named for a mystery of Our Lord or a saint, a votive Mass of that. Confirmation readings might be appropriate if a Votive Mass of the Holy Spirit is chosen, although that's more customary at the beginning of the academic year.