Passiontide/Triduum (not Easter): what polyphony do you sing?
  • Immaculate Heart of Mary Oratory, San Jose, California.

    This is my first year in the post, having succeeded to the post just after Christmas, so I can't draw on last year's list. The choir has changed much since everyone learned how to locate Wuhan China on a map, so "what you sang last year" is not meaningless but certainly more likely to be "what a small number of you sang in previous years". About half of this list (below) has never been sung at the Oratory before.

    We'll sing two verses of Vexilla Regis this morning, during the procession to the altar, using an arrangement of Agincourt which I assembled some years back.

    At the Offertory, having completed the Offertory antiphon, we'll sing a realization of Byrd's round Non Nobis Domine.

    Next Sunday, we plan to sing Praetorius' Vexilla Regis before the blessing of the palms, and Victoria's Unus ex discipulis meis at Communion.

    For Maundy Thursday, the gentlemen of the choir will sing Feroci's Dextera Domini replacing the chant antiphon.

    For Good Friday, the entire choir will sing Palestrina's Adoramus te, Christe.

    At the Vigil, two ladies of the choir will sing, as a duet, Rick Wheeler's "Anon" Sicut Cervus, but it will not replace the chant, since it doesn't contain the entire text.

    I'm trying to vary the texture of the music (hence, the 2-part and 3-part pieces as well as the 4 part) both for the good of the choir members themselves and for the edification of the faithful.
    Thanked by 1Jeffrey Quick
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,798
    This Year... Music appropriate to the season, Will post the full programme later.
    Pueri Hebraeorum 1, Palestrina
    Pueri Hebraeorum 2, Victoria
    Victoria: St. Matthew Passion
    Com: Pater si, Isaac
    Ave Regina Caelorum, De la Rue

    Int: Nos Autem, Isaac
    Grad: Christus Factus est, Anerio
    Off: Dextera Domini, Palestrina
    Tantum ergo, Palestrina (Mis. attrib)

    Victoria: St. Matthew Passion
    O caput cruentatum, Hassler / Bach
    Stabat Mater, Gregor Aichinger

    Sicut Cervus / Sitivit Palestrina
  • DL
    Posts: 81
    Specific seasonal polyphony:
    Passion Sunday: Morales, Parce mihi.

    Passiontide Music & Readings: Gibbons, Drop, drop slow tears; Padilla, Stabat Mater; Victoria, O vos omnes; Byrd, Emendemus in melius; Tomkins, When David heard.

    Palm Sunday: Victoria, Pueri hebraeorum; George Malcolm, Ingrediente Domino.

    Thursday: also the “Palestrina” Tantum ergo.

    Friday: Victoria, Improperia; Allegri, Miserere.

    Saturday: also Sicut cervus; Bairstow, Sing ye to the Lord.
    Thanked by 1tomjaw
  • Update: this morning's polyphony went well.
  • Thank you for reminding me of your Mulier, Muliersetting, Serviam. It is exquisitley crafted, and in my humble opinion your best composition yet that you have posted. We eagerly await the other 6 "words."

    It is now on my shortlist of motets for a paired down Triduum, should our choir ever shrink to 3 mixed parts again.

    Thanked by 1ServiamScores
  • Jeffrey Quick
    Posts: 2,103
    You're all doing well, and I hate to bring up my lame little contributions.But there may be somebody else who can't get a reliable 4 parts. Also, we don't do the Triduum (part of being a biritual parish), though I'll personally be busy enough doing parts of it elsewhere.

    Passion Sunday, Communion: Media Vita (Jeffrey Quick)
    Palm Sunday "Palestrina" Adoramus te, from St. Gregory Hymnal.
    Easter:: Regina Caeli (Jef Tinel), O Salutaris (Walczynski)
  • ServiamScores
    Posts: 2,925
    Liam, thank you!

    I also forgot Lotti's Regina Cæli Easter Morning and H. Hamilton Smith's Choral Fanfare for Christ the King, before Mass starts Easter morning.
  • ghmus7
    Posts: 1,489
    From recent years...Yes, Lotto Regina, I have ginned up an arrangement with brass. Adoramus te Christe by Gasparini a true masterpiece. Lord Hear my Prayer: Kopayov, Crux Fidelis: Susan Rose, Hail True Body" RSCM arr., O Most Merciful: Bach, RSCM arr. O My People: Walker., Ave Verum: Elgar., O Savior of the World: Goss., Easter: With a Voice of Singing: Shaw. I Will Take the Cup of Salvation, GH.
  • ServiamScores
    Posts: 2,925
    With a Voice of Singing: Shaw
    grateful for this reminder too. We learned it last year and I forgot all about it!
  • Caleferink
    Posts: 435
    This year I'm again doing Kaye Saunders' Where True Charity and Love Dwell from SJMP coupled with the chant Ubi caritas for Holy Thursday. Last year we did Byrd's Ave verum at Communion and was going to do it again this year, but my lead alto just recently had to have heart surgery and without her my alto section falls apart a bit, so I've had to resort to more homophonic music this year. So this time we're going to do Garau's "In monte oliveti" instead. For Good Friday I'm introducing Jeremy Kiolbassa's setting of the Reproaches (giving Walker's O My People a rest this year).
  • rich_enough
    Posts: 1,051
    Sts. Cyril and Methodius Oratory, Bridgeport, Connecticut (ICKSP)

    Palm Sunday
    Cifra – Ave rex noster
    Dubois - Adoramus te, Christe (with children's schola)
    Handl – In nomine Jesu (for SATB)

    Holy Thursday
    A. Gabrieli - Missa brevis
    Villanueva – Christus factus est
    Byrd – Ave verum corpus
    Robledo – Hoc corpus
    Palestrina - Pange lingua (from Richard Terry's Holy Week book, pp. 14-15)

    Good Friday
    Victoria - Popule meus
    Brumel - Vexilla regis
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,213
    Somewhat rearranged from the 2-part original, this setting of "Adoramus Te, Christe"/"We Adore Thee, O Christ" (Antiphon at the Transfer of the Blessed Sacrament on Good Friday) is set for 2-part women's/men's voices, although by transposing the appropriate part, it could be sung by women or men alone. Note that the upper part follows the melody of the Gregorian chant as found in Liber Usualis.

    Giffen-Adoramus te, Christe-rev-mixed.pdf
    Giffen-Adoramus te, Christe-rev-mixed.mp3
  • Some fabulous repertoire ideas in here! I’ll add one we are doing for Good Friday - O Vos Omnes by Pablo Casals.
    Thanked by 1ServiamScores
  • O Vos Omnes by Pablo Casals

    Blake Henson has a great "arrangement" of this.