Monthly Litanies
  • Hugh
    Posts: 198
    This Lent I've been following Butler's Lives of the Saints each day. Oh, how holy I am!

    But notwithstanding my undoubted sanctity, it has occurred to me: why not make a Litany of the Saints for each month? If you recite it 28 to 31 days each month, you'll have a "cloud of witnesses" surrounding you.

    Please keep me up to this. I have been known to stumble. I'll do a pdf. It will include not only Butler's but recent saints like Padre Pio, etc.

    Suggestions welcome.
  • rollingrj
    Posts: 350
    Which form of the Litany of the Saints will you pattern--EF or OF (or both)?
  • Hugh
    Posts: 198
    EF. But I see nothing wrong with doing an OF version. As Grouch Marx famously said, "Those are my principles, and if you don't like them, well, I've got others."