Diocesan Music Newsletters
  • Tactus
    Posts: 17
    Greetings all,
    The diocese I grew up in and worked for most of my professional life has a music office that publishes a monthly newsletter with all open positions, along with who has filled recent positions, NPM meetings etc. Jobs are rarely posted in the local newspaper and if they are, as a supplement to the newsletter. Even rarer still is a job posted in the AGO newsletter ( and if an RC church DOES post thru the AGO, its usually a very good position with decent music. Ironic that, isn't it?)
    Anyhow, am starting to look for a new job and am open to moving but I rarely find any info on individual diocesan websites any indication that they do something similar. Even if I email the Music and/or Worship office, I rarely get a response. So, my question to all the readers is, does YOUR diocese publish a similar list of open positions or is it primarily thru the local newspaper? If it does, who would I contact to receive the listing?
    Any responses would be great!
  • G
    Posts: 1,401
    None in the Diocese of Gary, to my knowledge.
    Positions are occasionally advertised in the diocesan paper, but I think most are filled by word of mouth, or by accident, frankly.

    (Save the Liturgy, Save the World)
  • marymezzomarymezzo
    Posts: 236
    I'm the editor of the Diocese of Knoxville's paper. We occasionally are told of music-director openings and are happy to plug them, gratis, in The East Tennessee Catholic (and online at http://dioceseofknoxville.org). But I know of no openings in East Tennessee Catholic parishes at the moment.

    Also, most of our music directors are part-time employees at best.
  • Mary, the correct phrase may be part-time employees at worst, in my case!

    One difficulty is that many of the priests are from here, and some have come over from other faiths in which the musicians are volunteers...still very common here in the huge number of Baptist churches, and definitely in the more fundamental churches. Even Seventh Day Adventists often do not pay their organists.

    Add to that the possibly proportionately larger number of converts by marriage by locals, and you have a heck of a lot of people who can't imagine that anyone would try to make a living, much less get paid for doing music in a church.

    The parish I am at...as a couple were leaving the 12 million dollar church, I asked them what they thought of it..."Did they have to make it so high? They coudl have a saved a lot of money if they didn't." and got in their $70,000 car and drove home.
  • A music office? What's that?
  • Donnaswan
    Posts: 585
    The NPM Newsletter always posts job openings. I have no idea if they are worth pursuing, though. Bet you could find it online.

  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,986
    I have never formally applied for any music position. I know that sounds rather snotty, but I don't mean I am well-known or have a great reputation as a musician. For every music job I have held, someone who knew me recommended me to the pastor, who then contacted me. Many of the postions locally are filled by word-of-mouth advertising, or by personal recommendation.
  • marajoymarajoy
    Posts: 783
    I agree with Charles. As is the case with most other professional fields, most jobs are filled through personal, word-of-mouth connections. That has been the case with both of the paying church jobs I have held. But occasionally I get emails forwarded (usually from the diocese, but also random people,) when there is an opening. I also know churches sometimes contact university organ professors when they are looking for someone.
  • All of the church jobs that I have enjoyed and prospered in were acquired via word-of-mouth and were not advertised.
    All of the church jobs that I have regretted taking were acquired via public searches.
    All of the academic jobs that I have enjoyed and prospered in were acquired via public searches.
    All of the academic jobs that I have regretted taking were acquired via word-of-mouth.
    Go figure.
  • CharlesW, same here. And in only two dioceses over 39 years, only five parishes and one cathedral.
  • eft94530eft94530
    Posts: 1,577
    Diocese of Oakland California

    left margin "The Weekly"
    left margin "Job Opportunities"
  • Donnaswan
    Posts: 585
    I've had my current job now for over 18 years. It's the only one where I actually applied for it from an ad in the local newspaper. Over the years, I've worked for the Episcopalians, Methodists, Presbyterians, Base Chapel Protestants, Base Chapel Catholics ( right after VatII, which was very interesting. I knew next to nothing about Catholic liturgy at that point, but fools rush on where angels fear to tread-or was it b/c I was too young to know any better?
  • Mary Ann
    Posts: 49
    The following two positions were advertised in the online Dubuque, IA, Archdiocesan Official Bulletin, July 1, 2009. I'm not familiar with either parish's music program, tho, sorry.

    Organist - Basilica of St. Francis Xavier, Dyersville. Part-time position requiring 10-12 hours a month. Includes practices on Tuesday evening and playing at two weekend Masses each month. Send resume to: Becky Williams, Basilica of St. Francis Xavier, 104 3rd St. SW, Dyersville, IA 52040

    Coordinator of Music Ministries - St. Joseph Parish is seeking a qualified candidate to fill the position of Coordinator of Music Ministries. This position will be responsible for the integration of music into the liturgy. The Coordinator of Music Ministries must be someone who can work well with a variety of existing musical groups in our parish, as well as have the ability to identify and foster talent from within the community. Please submit a letter of application along with a resume or statement of qualifications to: Fr. Rod Allers, St. Joseph Parish, 1790 14th Street, Marion, Iowa, 52302. Application deadline will be May 29, 2009.

    --Mary Ann in Iowa