Job Opportunity-Music Director
  • Music Director, Orefield PA

    St Joseph the Worker in Orefield, PA is seeking a part-time Music Director.

    • Developing and training a parish choir
    • Scheduling, recruiting and training cantors
    • Playing the organ for up to 3 weekend masses, holy days, school masses and other scheduled liturgies
    • Planning music, particularly with a goal of integrating the church’s rich music tradition into our weekend liturgies (e.g. traditional, hymnody, chant etc.)
    • Working office hours as agreed upon with the pastor
    • Other responsibilities as agreed upon with the pastor
    • Working with and providing direction for 2 contemporary ensembles
    • Developing a youth music program in conjunction with the school (if interested)
    • Practicing Catholic in good standing, or another Christian faith with an understanding of Catholic liturgy
    • Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in music or commensurate experience working in Catholic music ministry
    • Ability to play the organ and/or piano, and to accompany congregation from the keyboard
    • Good communication skills

    Salary commensurate with experience. Additional income possible from funerals and weddings.
    St. Joseph the Worker Parish is a thriving suburban parish with nearly 3,000 families. The parish continues to grow as the area around the parish develops. This church is ripe with potential to grow a music program. We are seeking someone who can integrate more traditional styles of worship into our liturgical life, as well as revive and train our choir, which has been on sabbatical since the pandemic. This position is a great opportunity for someone looking to build a program in one of the most vibrant and dynamic parishes within the Diocese of Allentown.
    To apply, send resume and cover letter to: St. Joseph the Worker Roman Catholic Church 1879 Applewood Dr. Orefield PA 18069 ATTN: Msgr. Victor Finelli or email to
  • This is a full-time director of music job. Not part-time, especially with the commitment required. It's misleading.
  • Play 3 masses: 3 hours
    Prep: 3 hours which is generous assuming material is repeated between them)

    Practice 2 hours
    Prep 2 hours

    School or holy days -average 1/week
    Play 1 hour
    Prep 1 hour

    1 hour training
    1 hour Prep / recruiting

    2 hours

    Overall planning 2 hours (likely done as 1 day a month)

    .... that's only 18 hours per week.

    Even with 2 office-hours per day (when a lot of the recruiting, admjn, etc could be done) its still less than 30 hours a week.

    Substantial part time. But a long way from full time.

    Sure you could milk it to be more: work always expands to fill thevtime available. But the job can be done in well less than full time if you manage your time properly.
  • francis
    Posts: 10,709
    Playing the organ for up to 3 weekend masses, holy days, school masses and other scheduled liturgies
    minimum 2 hours a day for practice

    Pax… are you an organist?

    Unfortunately, the “milking” is happening from the other side.
  • This is absolutely a full-time position. Recruiting, developing, building a program, office hours, playing the organ AND conducting the choir that you build up (two positions in one), requires a degree... And the weekday commitments will keep the individual from working another job. Not only misleading, dishonest. Sad to say, amusing, too. This position would require a very minimum of 32 to 35 hours, which is full-time.
  • GerardH
    Posts: 426
    Perhaps that's why the same position has been advertised here three times in twelve months.
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