Nativity Proclamation
  • We might be including this before the beginning of Christmas Mass during the Night, using the text from the appendix of the Roman Missal. I don't see anything in the GIRM regarding who would recite or chant this, or from where it is proclaimed. I assume a deacon, lector, reader, or cantor could proclaim it but not from the ambo. Are there any rubrics in other liturgical books?
  • a_f_hawkins
    Posts: 3,509
    There is a video of the 2018 papal mass in St Peter's here. The proclamation, by a cantor from ¿the ambo? starts around the fourth minute. It is followed by unveiling and incensing of the image of the Christ Child.
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,841
    We've long done it before Adeste and at the end of a half-hour choral prelude, antiphonally with two cantors. Some day I'll have to ask about having it follow the procession and at the ambo, though.