358 days until the next Colloquium!
  • gregpgregp
    Posts: 632
    I'm just guessing. I thought I'd take advantage of the fact that most of you are on your way home today (I got back last night), to say how absolutely wonderful it was!

    My second time; my wife and our friend's first, and both can't wait - although we probably need several weeks to assimilate and integrate all of it.

    The best liturgies; the best people; the best music. Period.
  • marymezzomarymezzo
    Posts: 236
    Have the dates been set for 2010?

    I just got back tonight. I'd call the colloquium life changing.
  • Kathy
    Posts: 5,519
    I was just about to post a thread like this too. What a terrific week!
  • Kathy, we're still in town until tomorrow. You were and are a "terrific" and wonderful part of ''09, and now our lives. Bless you, meine Liebchen.
  • GavinGavin
    Posts: 2,799
    I'd like to drop by either that or AGO national next year, provided I have the CE funds.
  • alrtree
    Posts: 26
    I'm back home in Placerville, CA, now, and feel as if I have just come down from the Mount. It will take several days to assimilate and process all that I have seen and heard (and to get my head out of the clouds). All of you Colloquium people are tops. By the way, I met a couple of people on the flights home, and shared about the Colloquium. It seems that everyone I sat by was Catholic (!) and were very interested, so I passed out website info, etc. Let's keep spreading the word.
  • Mary Ann
    Posts: 49
    Colloquium first-timer Mary Ann from Iowa here...I again offer prayerful thanks to God, Fr. H., Fr. D. and my parish for the opportunity to take part in the most incredible week of sacred church music I have ever experienced.

    To everyone I had the privilege of meeting; to those I sang/prayed/visited/laughed/cried or shared a meal with: Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your friendship, caring, warmth and encouragement. Please know you are all carried in my heart and included in my daily prayers for your health and safety.

    May I add a resounding "Amen!" to gregp's: "The best liturgies; the best music; the best people. Period."
  • miacoyne
    Posts: 1,805
    Everyday we had the most beautiful litrugies with heavenly music. What a blssing and gift we received for a whole week. Our Lord called us to be His 'musical apostles and disciples' to evangelize with our sacred music. I hope we can help others so they can also taste this kind of heavenly music and lead them to the divine liturgy where we can truly share His divinity.

    I really need to encourage all my schola members to attend the Colloquium next year. We need to start saving money starting today. This would be the best thing we can do for ourselves and spend money on in our lives.
    Someone said at the Colloquium, although it costed him a good amount of mony to come, he was happy that he was getting a free copy of PBC ;-)
  • Ava
    Posts: 8
    This was definitely one of the most memorable weeks of my life!!! God bless the CMAA and all who took part in this year's colloquium! The music and lectures was so very inspiring, invigorating, and awesome! The camaraderie of like minded Catholic musicians made it all the more enjoyable, and the lovely Maria Della Strada Chapel as well as the view of Lake Michigan outside the Chapel were exceedingly lovely! This was my first year attending, and I'm praying I'll be able to go next year! I realize I mightn't have as blissful a time, since the first time for most things is usually the the most memorable, but I do believe it would be an enjoyable experience, to say the least! The breakout sessions, and classes were very informative, and gave me a greater understanding of music in the liturgy and how to sing (and conduct)it well! I can't wait to learn more! The instructors were so knowledgeable about what they were teaching, patient, kind, personable, enthusiastic, and able to explain things so well! (Btw, I love you Mrs. Oost-Zinner, and Mr. Brouwers! (my chant and polyphony conductors)Music and conducting aside, you're very wonderful people : ) One of the things I found attractive about the colloquium was that, for me anyways, it was kind of like a retreat, with all the lovely liturgy, the opportunity to frequent the chapel and the sacraments, the recitation of morning and evening prayer, and the happiness evoked from singing praises to God all day left me feeling exuberant and closer to Christ than ever before! Especially whilst in the chapel; to hear and sing such beautiful prayers to God made me feel more in communion with Him! Who could ask for anything more? I have been very blessed to have been able to take part in this year's colloquium and truly will never forget this week! Nor all the friendly, God-loving people whom I met! God bless you all!
  • Ava
    Posts: 8
    358 days?!? (sigh...well, at least it's less than 359 days :)
  • Flambeaux
    Posts: 45
    The adjustment back to the day-to-day grind of a financial analyst after having spent the last week immersed in rehearsal and liturgy. Thank you to everyone who helped organize this and to everyone who came. It was my first Colloquium and, by the grace of God, it will not be my last.

    And, if anyone in the Dallas/Fort Worth area is willing to teach me to sing between now and the next Colloquium, PM me, as being more than a millstone to my groups would make the experience even more wonderful. :D
  • gregpgregp
    Posts: 632
    Flambeaux, as your partner in Purgatory, I can tell you that you did fine.
  • JDE
    Posts: 588
    The whole thing puts me in mind of Moses coming down from the mountain with the Tablets, and he 'wist not that the skin of his face shone' after talking with Adoshem. In my own case, I know that my face is shining! I can't wait to see my choir members again and also to start recruiting for the Fall. There is no time to waste . . . I will strike while the iron of (as Prof. Mahrt called it) the spirit of enthusiasm is still hot!

    I hope to see you all at Mt. CMAA again next year, if not sooner!
  • JDE
    Posts: 588
    In fact, I'm submitting a revised church budget to send myself, my organist and one representative from each musical ensemble to next year's Colloquium! Hey - you might as well shoot the moon, right?
  • Kathy
    Posts: 5,519
    In the meantime, this may help with re-entry, perhaps even more because of the homily than the music: http://www.catholictv.com/shows/default.aspx?seriesID=57&videoID=752

    Amazing expression on the Pope's face during the 2nd reading, "I am already being poured out like a libation."
  • Kathy
    Posts: 5,519
    ...When the whole world will have become the liturgy of God, when in its reality it will have become adoration, then it will have reached its goal, then it will be whole and saved. And this is the ultimate objective of St. Paul’s apostolic mission and of ours. It is to such a mystery that the Lord calls us. Let us pray in this hour that he may help us carry it out in the right way, to become true liturgists of Jesus Christ. Amen.

  • mjballoumjballou
    Posts: 994
    Starting saving now for next year. And I'm going to make sure that I let my brides fend for themselves, so I can stay through the weekend.

    I enjoyed all the old friends, all the new ones, bloggers unmasked, and the lovely unreal quality of being surrounded by people who actually think this music matters.

    Now it's back to the Forum for all of us - and back to work.
  • JennyJenny
    Posts: 147
    Don't worry, Ava. It gets better each time!This was my 4th Colloquium and it has become my yearly musical retreat.

    Many thanks to Jeffrey and Arlene, the conductors, the priests and brothers of St. John Cantius and all my new and not-so-new friends. Kelly- keep Rose out of trouble. I'll see you in September.
  • Carl DCarl D
    Posts: 992
    It's impossible to express how much of an impact this has on my life, both here and the hereafter. Thank you, all you wonderful saints and hard workers.